
Winter Designs & Styles For Your Bedroom

Bedrooms are the least public room in the house however they are very personal spaces so to ensure you get the most from this room, it’s important you spend time on its design. As winter approaches, it’s inevitable that our beds will start to call us that little bit earlier too. Our evenings turn into sessions spent in bed watching TV and become our haven of warmth and comfort, away from the coldness that can often travel through the rest of the house. So whether you’re overhauling your sleeping quarters or simply want to make your bedroom even cosier for the cold season ahead, here are just a few top tips for winter designs and styles for your bedroom this winter.

Consider Wooden Wonders

Regardless of the size of the room, wood can be a fantastic addition, whether it’s a bed frame or built in wardrobes. Wood adds a certain level of warmth, from oak panelling to beautifully crafted wardrobes, the level of coziness that wood creates can be transformative for a bedroom and is something that should be considered in any style bedroom too, whether it’s traditional or modern.

Look At Lighting

Cozy lighting is a must for any bedroom. Avoid being blinded by harsh lighting during movie nights as well as the inevitable shroud of darkness that happens when the main lighting is switched off. The more natural light you can enjoy will always be best however where natural light cannot be found, mood lighting is a great replacement. Create intimate mood lighting by incorporating bedside lamps as well as strategically placed ceiling lights for drama and ambience.

Neutral Colours Are Your Friend

If you want your bedroom to represent a calm space then neutral colours are going to be your friend. When it comes to your bedroom, think soothing colours and textures to create a calm and cozy room. If you’re a lover of patterns, try to keep them to smaller, intimate areas and pieces such as throw blankets and pillows, allowing you to still keep the remainder of the room as calming as possible.

Store Your Tech

Bespoke built in furniture can be a great way of allowing you to have your cake and eat it too. Enjoy all of your favourite tech products but keep them out of view by having them built into your bedroom storage. This allows you to still enjoy your movie nights or series binges while still being able to shut them away to ensure a more relaxing space when needed.

Contact The Experts

If you’d like help creating your dream bedroom this winter, or any other season for that matter, we recommend contacting Matter Designs. Providing Home Design Services in Essex, Matter Designs are the experts when it comes to creating that all important space that serves as a functional yet stylish addition to your home. For more information on winter inspired bedrooms, contact their team today on 01268 833 836.