Interior Design

Vibrant Green Color- The Hit Of 2017!

Neon and bright green color will be hit this year, apparently. This color is alive and creates positive energy and atmosphere in the living room, and in every other room. For a long time everything is directed towards brighter and light colors, as well as those that deliver better energy in the home. But the green has special effect and will be perfect in your living room. Positive energy will spread not only in the living room, but will feel the good vibes all over the house. Adding only details or a complete change, for example an entire wall in this shade of green, is the right choice to shine your living room this year.

The green color can be used really everywhere. If you want a big space to do more enjoyable, use green carpets or set green on the walls. Green furniture always looks good. Just think how beautiful can be fabric in green and white combination. If you are not sure where and how to use green, try the green accents. A few well placed vases or scattered cushions, will surely refresh your home. When in doubt, plants and green flowers decoration is fantastic, but do not overdo it. The most important characteristic of the green color is its multi-purpose use. If you are wondering whether it will fit in your space, the answer is usually yes.

Image via Chris Little Photography, Atlanta, GA
Image via Werner Straube
Image via Troy Thies

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