Interior Design

Turn Your Home Into A Bachelor Pad In 4 Easy Steps!

    If you are a happy singleton and feel the need for a cooler place to live, instead of putting your home on the market, why not modernise it into a real bachelor pad? Okay, the following suggestions aren’t exactly cheap but think of the fun you will have when your buddies and lady friends drop by in the future. This way, you can tailor the place to your exact needs and will probably save a bundle of time and money on moving home. So please sit back, crack open a beer and enjoy!

    Couch matters

    This is a no brainer but you would be shocked to learn how many of us put up with a hideous couch in our homes. Start shopping for one that not only looks cool but also feels just as awesome to slump into. You should never skimp on this particular item of furniture because you can tell a lot about a person by their style of couch. Stay with black as your colour and probably veer towards a leather or suede material. These bad boys aren’t cheap but you can create an awesome centrepiece that keeps the lady or ladies in your life happy.

    Clutter out

    Minimalism is definitely back in and we’d recommended getting rid of anything that doesn’t give that impression. You may think those vintage comics will add value to the chill factor in your home but you would be way off the mark. If you read books, get a decent bookshelf that at least shows that you are interested without being a total slob. Shell out on a smart coffee table but stay away from trashy flatpack products. Stuff that you simply do not use, just throw it out now because it is messing up your pad with no positive payback.

    All about the floor

    Now we are getting to the root of the matter because those old shag pile carpets are a thing for the 20th century. Go for a classy Canadian Hardwood Flooring product and you will be beating them off with a stick before you know it! These are great for adding to that stripped back look that you should be aiming for and are way easier to keep clean compared to a dodgy old rug or carpet. Try and go for a lighter shade of wood as this will give the impression of a larger space. Remember to get the professionals to install your new floor because they can be a little tricky to fit.

    Bar time

    Any bachelor pad without a bar is simply not the real deal. This is pretty much the most important item you need in your home if you aim to impress those who matter to you. You don’t need to be a raving alcoholic to get the most out of this feature. They don’t cost so much and once your bar is set up, you will never want to leave your home.

    So there you have it, 4 excellent ways to turn your home into a sick bachelor pad!