Interior Design

Tips On How To Use White Tiles In Your Home


Not sure which coating to use? So write down this tip: a white tile is always a great option, both for kitchens and bathrooms.

With a clean and timeless design, white tile never leaves the scene and, even today, it remains one of the most versatile, cheap, and democratic options that exist. And if you think that white tile is all the same, better review this concept. Several types of white tiles vary in format, finish, and pagination.

Yes, because the way you apply the tile to the wall also makes all the difference.

Care when buying and applying white tile

  • Prefer recognized brands to attest to the quality of the product. Some brands may suffer variations in color tone and also have defective parts. So choose well.
  • Use mortar suitable for laying tiles. Thus, you guarantee the durability of the coating.
  • Hire specialized labor so that you don’t have problems with the pieces coming off in the future, flaws in the finish, or elevations in the surface.

Why use white tile?


A wildcard

White tile is a wild card in any decorative style. It goes well with modern proposals, such as the subway tile, classic proposals, and even the most rustic ones.

That’s because the white tile inspires spacious, bright environments and also acts as a great backdrop for any other elements you want to add, especially the more colorful ones, as there will be no competition to see who catches the most attention.

Various formats

White tiles can be found in numerous shapes and sizes, which also makes them super versatile and democratic, able to meet all tastes.

The more traditional can bet on square white tiles. While those who prefer a modern look, the option can be for white rectangular tiles or hexagonal shapes.

It’s cheap and easy to install

White tile also has the advantage of being cheap and super affordable, not to mention that it is also easy to install.

Simple cleaning and maintenance

As it is made of ceramic, white tile is simple to clean. A cloth dampened with neutral detergent is more than enough. For the toughest stains and dirt, just use a soft cleaning sponge and you’re done.

Check out now the following white tile ideas to get inspired and use there in your home too:

















