There are probably many of us who dream of housing on a regular basis, regardless of whether we are actually looking for a new home or not. Most of us usually have a list of priorities in our heads, from the desired size of the future home to the balcony and ceiling height. What do we prioritize most when looking for a new home?
Nature and operating costs in focus

The survey is particularly relevant in these times when costs are re-prioritized and the starting point is in constant change. The result reflects the state of society, to say the least, with calming surroundings and operating costs high on the list.
Many are seeking to be closer to nature, it is a reasonable reaction to the pandemic’s stay-at-home. Then the desire for lower operating costs is a direct consequence of today’s economic situation.
Storage solutions at the forefront
Storage options are also highly valued. The survey shows that 75 percent of Swedes prioritize well-thought-out storage, among the 36-55 age group, 82 percent put solid storage solutions at the top of the list. For the youngest target group, between 18 and 35 years, the figure is 76 percent, compared to the oldest, between 56 and 79 years, where it is 66 percent. Much indicates a connection to the compact living craze and smaller housing solutions.
Other details on the priority list are bedrooms for everyone in the household (66 percent), a renovated bathroom (59 percent), and a renovated kitchen (52 percent). Further down the list we find the garage (43 percent), fireplace or fireplace (30 percent), and a desirable element in pandemic times, the home office (27 percent). Last but not least is space for or access to a gym or other training facility in the home, with 11 percent.