While the painter carries paints to express his art, the landscaper makes nature his masterpiece, his source of inspiration and creation. It is plants, flowers, stones and other natural elements that bring the landscape to life.
And have you ever stopped to think about the importance of this profession? Landscaping plays a prominent role in the modern world. It is he who binds us back to nature, which allows us to contemplate the green amidst the gray daily life. Understanding the concept of landscaping is recognizing the value of a more balanced and natural life, focused on what matters. And that’s what we’re going to do in today’s post: understand what landscaping is, its functions and main features. Maybe a landscaper soul awakens inside you?

Landscaping can be considered an arm of architecture that extends to the planning of public and private outdoor areas. The landscape professional is responsible for planning and executing works to create, preserve and manage free spaces. It is up to this professional to achieve a harmonious integration between man and nature to aggregate functional, aesthetic and artistic concepts in the same project.
It is also important to emphasize that a complete landscape work goes far beyond aesthetics. The landscaper needs to reconcile the beauty of the plants with the urban scenery, favor the circulation of people and appreciate spaces free of contemplation. A lot goes into landscaping design and execution, so you must carefully access your needs and hire an expert who can offer it to you.
One way to do this is by using vertical gardens, water fountains, paths, pergolas, flowerbeds, and lawns.
Types of landscaping
There are different types of landscaping and each has a very specific function. For the countryside, there is rural landscaping, defined as a type of landscaping that aims at preservation and conservation actions. In cities, landscaping is urban, that is, aimed at creating spaces for leisure, sports, entertainment, and contemplation integrating nature with the environment of large metropolises.
And finally, there is also the landscaping of internal areas whose main mission is to complement the decoration. This type of landscaping is often seen in outdoor gardens, conservatories, balconies, and terraces.
As each of these landscaping styles has a different purpose, the professional must be trained to analyze the best method and solve the problems and needs presented in each environment.
Vertical gardens, for example, are great for townhouses, but country or beach houses, where space is naturally larger, can bet on more elaborate designs. Therefore, the recommendation is always to look for a landscaper who can guide you in the best green project for your home.
What is the difference between landscaping and gardening?
Many people confuse landscaping with gardening. And the confusion is understandable since one area is directly linked to the other. We can say, in a nutshell, that landscaping has the function of elaborating and planning green projects, while gardening executes and gives life to what is on paper.
What skills does a landscaper need?
A landscaper needs to be sensitive to understand the needs of his clients and know how to combine plants and other elements with mastery. Creativity is another indispensable skill for this professional after all a landscape work is still an artistic and authorial work.
Finally, it is also important that the landscaper likes and is familiar with dealing with the land and plants.
At this point you must be curious to see photos and more pictures of landscaping projects, are we right? Check out these marvelous pictures created by professional artists!