
The Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors

If you’re building, renovating or just replacing old rotten windows, you need to understand what the best option is for your home. Aluminium joinery offers the most benefits, from functional to financial.

There is so much to take into account when renovating and one of the most important- and expensive aspects- are your windows. It’s more than just choosing a design that you like the look of though—windows are about a comfortable, energy efficient home. Aluminium windows and doors tick all the boxes.

1. Aluminium windows are highly durable

Aluminium does not rust or corrode. With a range of treatments that are applied to the metal, they perform well and continue to look good, whatever the weather. Aluminium is also recommended in terms of strength and the ability to stay in perfect condition even in highly changeable environments. Beachside or alpine environments are often known for being windy. Aluminium stands up to everything nature can throw at it.

2. Aluminium is cheaper than timber

While modern timber windows are far from the uninsulated, rotting, heavy things we remember from our childhoods, they still present challenges for homeowners. Timber has poorer energy performance, shorter lifespans, more maintenance, and they are more expensive than aluminium doors and windows.

The other common alternative on the market is uPVC, but this is weaker and more expensive than aluminium too.

It’s not just the purchase price you need to be aware of either. Ongoing maintenance costs and shorter lifespans mean that timber is simply not as economical as aluminium.

3. Low maintenance and low effort

Aluminium doesn’t rust or corrode, so maintenance is minimal. Twice a year, give them a good wash down with soapy water. Use a toothbrush for any corners or tracks that are dirty, and then a soft cloth to dry off and de-streak the windows. Done. That’s it. No greasing or special formulas or anything special; just a basic clean to keep them sparkling clean and operating smoothly.

4. Huge range of looks and styles

Aluminium is supremely adaptable. It comes in a range of colours, more than just white, black, and neutral. If you have a specific colour you need, powder coating means you can get an exact match to anything your heart desires. Even the finishes themselves can be changed if you want a matt or glossier finish. You are only limited by your imagination.

There is also a window for every occasion. Weird sloping ceilings, awkward corners, inward or outward opening, any shape or architectural problem can be resolved with aluminium windows. Even large sliding doors or accordion windows are suited to the strength and durability of aluminium.

5. Aluminium doors and windows are thermally efficient

Your home should be cool in summer, warm in winter, and quiet year-round. Aluminium windows and doors come with huge benefits thermally, depending on what you want. There can be double, or even triple glazing, depending on your weather. You can buy windows that are thermally ‘broken’, where the outside layer of window is separate from the inner layer, so there is no transfer of heat or cold via the frame.

The outcome of this is moderate temperatures year-round, with insulation from outside noise too. This not only gives you a more pleasant home to live in, but also can save you a lot of money on your heating or air conditioning bills.

6. Aluminium windows and doors can be rated for extreme conditions

As climate change occurs, wildfires are more common, and in areas that traditionally have not have fires. Aluminium windows come with a BAL (bushfire attack level) rating, so you can choose the windows that best suit your environment.

Similarly, aluminium windows are rated for winds (and rain) too.  These classifications take into account the site and position of the house and recommend a window that is rated for the level of wind exposure. There’s no point having hurricane-rated windows in an area that only has mild weather; and traditional windows won’t perform as well in exposed coastal areas that are prone to wind gusts or cyclones. Aluminium windows keep your home weather tight.

7. Eco friendly and sustainable

Aluminium is highly recyclable—in fact, about 65% to 80% of aluminium is recycled. This makes it a great building material if you’re environmentally conscious. Not only are you ensuring a fully recycled- or recyclable- home, but you’re not using timber, which is better left in tree form.

The best option for all commercial and residential properties

Aluminium offers an array of benefits that ensure it’s the best option for every project, large or small. Whether you’re worried about the environmental impact or the aesthetic properties are important to you, aluminium has substantial benefits over uPVC or timber windows. Durable, attractive, low maintenance and cost effective, aluminium is the easy choice.