
Swiss Simplicity, Wohlgemuth & Pafumi Architekten, Seltisberg, Switzerland

If you like homes that are designed for close family lifestyle, then you’ll find that “Swiss Simplicity” brings comfortable family living to near perfection. By using simple shapes and forms and bringing them together in a unique architectural layout, this modern-meets-traditional home gives you the best in all areas of design. Elements such as wood, concrete, stone, & steel come together harmoniously to balance the interior pallet as well as the overall architecture.

Located in Seltisberg, Switzerland, this residential home follows the strict Swiss construction guidelines while artistically breaking away from them. In this film, we speak with the homeowner, Tina, and the architects at Wohlgemuth & Pafumi Architekten, about the design of this home. With the use of 3D renderings, sketches, & walkthroughs, we learn about the interior layout of this home as well as the incredibly cute lifestyle lived within.

Wohlgemuth & Pafumi Architekten | Swiss Simplicity | Seltisberg, Switzerland from Chibi Moku on Vimeo.

