For this article, we will start from the principle where you have already sorted and uncluttered the room and that too-small clothes, for example, have already been given/sold/discarded. I’m not going to teach you a moral lesson in fast fashion and all that. Finally, we will talk about other furniture/spaces in the bedroom, because clothes are not the only objects that must be stored.

When I see the beautiful photos on the internet of girls who have applied the Konmari method, it sends me downright glitter. The result is perfect nothing exceeds. And just by looking at other people’s closets, I’m more relaxed. On the other hand, there has always been a big question hovering over this feeling of calm: Once you remove a t-shirt from the pile of well-folded t-shirts, how does it hold? A few years ago, before I even tried to read his book, I tried the storage boxes to compartmentalize. It is practical up to a point. And there is not too much concern. The thing is that the harmony of a compartment when it becomes full becomes less harmonious anyway when 3 or 4 t-shirts are missing and those that remain to break the face a little.
Here are the solutions/furniture that can generally be found commercially to store clothes:
The open wardrobe
I mentioned it above. In theory, it’s pretty. In practice, it takes work to have a nice aesthetic result.
The wardrobe with a wardrobe side, a shelf side.
The most common solution but which I find badly screwed up. I think this solution should be combined with boxes or something to structure the spaces to optimize storage.
The convenient
Handy when you fold everything but what’s under the battery will not be used often (within store following the Konmari method that has the merit of putting you under the eyes all your clothes).
The column with shelves
It is a bit the same as the chest of drawers or the shelves of a wardrobe. It’s up to you to appropriate your furniture so that it corresponds to your needs (and that your piles of clothes do not look like the Tower of Pisa).
Half a cabinet
Visually less bulky than a conventional cabinet. It is lower. As I said above, this is probably what I will choose if I have to buy a piece of furniture to store my clothes.
Besides the clothes that can find their place folded on a shelf or a hanger, we have everything that does not fit into this category: underwear, scarves, belts, hats, gloves … One of the solutions is to compartmentalize. There are ready-made solutions, like at Ikea. There is also the recovery method with shoeboxes for example.
For this point there, I can hardly share my experience with you, I am unable to store my pants, one by one, in a dedicated compartment. I already learned to fold them, it’s better than putting them in a ball. There are just the scarves in France which were all on one (or two) hanger (s).