Size Up Your Small Space: 5 Ways To Make Small Rooms Look Larger

Tiny home living is on the rise, but folks who’ve opted for radically downsized environments aren’t the only ones living in small spaces – many people renting urban apartments or in shared living spaces are also feeling the squeeze. A lack of square footage doesn’t mean you’re obligated to live in a crowded, cluttered space for the foreseeable future, though, or adopt a minimalist lifestyle. No, all you need are a few savvy design tricks to make your space look bigger. These five steps can help you create the illusion of space on a tiny home budget. It really is that easy.

Raise The Roof

One of the easiest ways to make a room seem larger is by thinking vertically: you need to make the ceilings seem higher. But don’t worry – we’re not talking about construction. Rather, try using wallpaper or painting your ceiling a darker color while also adding interesting overhead lighting. Anything that draws the eye upward will help create the illusion of height and open up your space.

Choose Colors Carefully

Most people understand that darker colors tend to make rooms look smaller, so it’s generally advisable to paint small rooms in lighter colors. That doesn’t mean you’re restricted to white and beige walls, though. Instead, opt for a light blue in the bedrooms – blue is proven to help people relax, while a warm tan or yellow can bring the living room to life and enhance natural lighting.

Watch Your Windows

Windows should act as a focal point in small rooms, creating additional space by opening onto the outdoors, but they’re also an important source of light. In small spaces, then, opt for simple shades or blinds that maximize daylight while also providing privacy when desired. This is especially important if you live in a dense urban environment where your neighbors can see into your windows, or if you have a tiny home where all of your spaces have multiple functions.

Take A Step Back

When placing furniture, most people place items directly against the wall because that opens up the middle of the room, leaving space to walk or place a central table. In reality, though, putting your furniture against the walls may actually make your face feel smaller, not larger. As you arrange your space, then, consider placing furniture pieces away from the wall. But don’t worry – you won’t be wasting that space. Fill the gap with a small shelf or table. You can display items there, place coasters so guests have a place to put their cups, and still create the illusion of more space.

Make Use Of Mirrors

Just like your windows, mirrors are an ideal way to make a small space look bigger; and they’re functional, to boot, so don’t be afraid to make liberal use of them. A full-length mirror propped against one wall can produce a sense of depth in the space, or you could opt for an array of smaller mirrors with interesting frames. By placing these at eye-level, you can not only make an aesthetic statement but also make your space look more open.

Don’t let small space living make you feel claustrophobic. Instead, use what you have to make your space seem larger. With these tips, even renters can create the illusion of space. It won’t turn your apartment into a palace, but it will open things up and make your home more comfortable and welcoming.


Tags: colors, home living, interior design, mirrors, small room, small space

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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