Interior Design

Safety Tips For Decorating Child’s Room Properly

An interesting design of rooms for children, is a great way to create a positive and creative atmosphere in the kids room. Creating a children’s room can be creative and fun. It is misconception that the children’s room decorating is very expensive. Just a little color, a wall stickers and a lot of imagination for the successful completion of this project. As with all of the interior, before starting work in the room of your kids, it is necessary to determine the theme. Think about the color of the walls, carpet, wall stickers and colored furniture. Keep in mind that the furniture can be painted in order to accommodate to the rest of the room.

When decorating child’s room, try to make it safe, in a few steps. Let the safety be a priority when decorating the room of your curious toddler. Here are some simple tips to creating safe and secured kids room:

  • The bed should not be placed directly under the window, near a heater, under shelves, drawers and appliances that children can grab.
  • Heavy pictures and mirrors also should not be a part of children’s rooms
  • Furniture that is unstable try to stabilize or attach it to a wall.
  • Open drawers children can use to try out their climbing skills. Provide them with safety locks.
  • Avoid bunk beds in the children’s room where children under 7 years.
  • Use safety plugs to prevent pushing fingers.
  • Windows ensure with limiters that allow opening up to 10 cm.
  • Set protection on sharp edges of furniture in the room.

Keep that in mind and your kids will be happy and you will not be worried about their safety!
