Outdoors design

Ring in Spring: 5 Tips for Preparing Your Outdoor Space for Entertaining

As the weather warms up and invites to backyard barbecues begin to roll in, you might be thinking about hosting a get-together with your loved ones yourself. After months of cold weather, everyone looks forward to spending time with friends and family, and where better than in a stylish outdoor entertainment space? Creating the perfect backdrop for nights filled with joyous laughter, engaging conversation, and delicious food is easier than you think. Try these five tips for preparing your outdoor living space for warm-weather soirées.

Stock up your freezer

When creating your menu, it’s best to add a few chilled or cold dishes to help your party beat the heat. Stocking your freezer with popsicles and ice cream sandwiches will ensure that your guests will always have a sweet and refreshing treat nearby. If you’re afraid of watered-down drinks, consider adding bags of frozen fruit to your shopping list instead of ice cubes. Unlike ice, the fruit won’t dilute your drinks with water as they thaw, and they’ll add a burst of natural flavor to a glass of soda or wine. Splurging on an outdoor freezer from an appliance store like Goedeker’s means any frozen treat you or your guests crave will always be on hand.

Arrange an area for outdoor games

All parties need a bit of fun, and you’ll have no shortage of it by setting up a few outdoor games in your backyard. Children and adults alike can enjoy games like cornhole and horseshoes. If you have a bigger backyard space, erect a net to create a simple badminton or volleyball court. Not only will some friendly competition keep your party exciting, but it can be a great way to keep your guests engaged while food is cooking.

Invest in citronella candles

There’s nothing worse than waking up the morning after an outdoor party and discovering you were unwittingly a blood donor for mosquitos last night. To avoid nighttime insects gate-crashing your party, purchase a few citronella candles. While bug repellent is effective, the smell can linger on your clothing for days and might not be an option for more sensitive users. It’s also full of chemicals like DEET, which can be harmful to your health. Citronella, however, is an essential oil derived from specific varieties of grass and naturally repels pesky insects like mosquitoes. Lighting a few of these candles around your outdoor area will keep your guests from heading home with itchy bug bites.

Set the mood with outdoor lighting

All great parties don’t end when the sun sets, and the stars start to come out. Consider using unique outdoor lighting options to keep the party going and add some ambiance to your backyard. From hanging paper lanterns to string lights, there are many options to make your outdoor space glow, no matter how late into the night your revelers want to stay.

Break out the fire pit

Before the heatwave of summer hits, evenings may err on the chillier side. Instead of letting colder spring nights prevent you from throwing a party, invest in or build a fire pit to keep you and your guests warm. In addition to providing heat, the glow of a fire will cast a cozy feeling over your party as the day winds down, and you can also break out marshmallows to usher in warm weather with s’mores.

The bottom line

The return of warm weather calls for celebration, and if you’re the one throwing it, it’s essential to whip your outdoor space into tip-top shape before sending out invitations. Taking the time to freshen up your backyard and stock up on party essentials will make any gathering you host one to remember.