Renovating? Three Flooring Options To Consider

Owning a house is a great achievement, especially if you bought it using your own hard-earned cash. The home that it becomes forever represents a significant milestone in your life that you understandably are very proud of.

But as a homeowner, you have to understand that putting the house under your name comes with very serious responsibilities. Home maintenance and repairs, though they sound so mundane, are things that you should never take lightly. Your full and continued enjoyment of your property relies on your proper execution of these tasks.

Then there is the need for home renovations, especially when there are also significant changes in your life such as marriage or having children. Life changes usually call for lifestyle modifications, and lifestyle changes, in turn, call for significant changes in the structure of your home.

In this article, we present three flooring options that you can choose from, depending on what you are renovating your home for. For each, we include a discussion on their advantages and disadvantages.


Tile floors are very common for a variety of reasons. One is that they come in a wide range of colors and shapes, making them so easy for homeowners to use as tools for their unique aesthetic expressions.

Another reason for their popularity is the fact that they are very easy to clean. Usually made of ceramic or stone, all that needs to be done is to pour some water and detergent over them and then wipe or scrub lightly. Because of this, tiles are often used in areas where there is a very high risk of spills, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

However, tiles also have their own share of disadvantages. They are not good insulators of heat, so a tile floor can get very cold during the winter. While the tiles themselves are easy to clean, the grout that binds them to the ground and each other is a bit of a challenge to keep clean.


Carpeted floors are common in bedrooms, and there are very good reasons for this. Carpets are very good at absorbing noise, so it’s basically perfect for places where silence is cherished. Another good thing about carpets is the fact that they are very good insulators, so they stay warm. Who would want to wake up and step on very cold and hard floors upon standing?

But like tiles, carpets also have some cons. On top of the list is the fact that it can be very difficult to remove the stains that stick to them. In many cases, there is need to get the services of professional carpet cleaners.

Because carpets are made of fabric, they can trap allergens that can endanger the health of the one staying in the room.


Hardwood is the floor type of choice of those who would want to make their floors look inviting. Wood just has that air of elegance around it that even the most discerning interior designer cannot deny. Besides its classy appearance, hardwood is also preferred because of its durability and the ease with which it is cleaned.

As for its disadvantages, hardwood can be costly. And its high price comes not only from the material itself but also from the costs of hiring professionals to install it.