The office complex your business has moved into is sleek. The floor tiles shimmer, there’s never a speck of dirt in the toilets and the security guard you pass every morning waves and smiles as though he was trapped in an episode of Balamory.–The thing that can make an office seem like a place that you want to visit every day depends a lot on how you present it. Not every interior space will work for you, and finding something that helps give out the vibes of your company and its goals can help motivate everyone to work more efficiently. That’s why checking NYC’s office space availability, and what they have to offer before investing can be an important step. If you know what you want to invest in, it will be much easier to find exact matches while you are searching!
But that’s the complex you’ve rented. The office you’re using has all the hallmarks of a former storage cupboard. Its walls are grey, its tables look like they were from Ikea’s Homeless collection and it lets in about as much light as a total eclipse.
It’s time for a bit of DIY interior design. When you’re operating from a crumby office, low morale and even lower productivity will be the inevitable result. And with lower productivity comes a sharp downturn in profits.
You don’t want to give your snazzy office complex a bad name. So how can you give the place a sense of luxury – without breaking the bank?
Real security
Fires have ruined even the most high-profile of business premises in the past. They can start in a flash, like a lightning bolt intent on destroying everything in one lethal blow. Even with an insurance policy, many businesses struggle to recover after flames have ravaged their workplace.
You should always make improving the safety of your office a priority. Fires can happen at any time – unless you take great pains to stop them.
For our money, having a few blast barriers installed in your walls is the best way to combat an outbreak of fire. If they’re purchased from the right provider, they’ll be able to contain fires for up to four hours – giving you plenty of time to call the emergency services.
21st century tone
Your business can’t look fusty anymore. If your workplace doesn’t look vital you might as well just close your doors before you’ve even started. Every office is trying to look hip and happening and placed firmly within the 21st century. And unless you’ve got some kind of past credibility up your sleeve, you’ll have to do the same.

Look at a company like Google. Their offices across the globe are laden with signs of modernity. Beanbags, arcade machines, colourful walls, chill out rooms, dynamic workspaces and an attitude to work that fosters creativity.
A quick glance at new offices will also show you that metallic walls, open workplaces and sleek desktops are a staple.
You could be a media agency, chartered accountants or computer designers. Either way, a modern office will invigorate your employees and impress your clients.