Interior Design

Pool Spa: A Luxury Home Essential

When designing your home, luxury is always on your mind. You want something that’s a joy to look at and, more importantly, to live in. The pool has traditionally represented luxury, while the hot tub has traditionally represented luxury. The pool spa does exactly that, and it’s the new essential product for anyone designing a luxury home.

Prioritizing Fitness

Modern homes should be at the center of wellbeing. They should nudge residents into improving themselves and becoming happier people. A pool spa is an ideal addition to your home. Yes, it’s beautiful, but it also encourages fitness, giving you a reason to work out every day.

Improving one’s fitness levels is a dream most people have. 58% of people want to do more sport and swimming is the perfect way to incorporate this into your life. A pool spa is a swimming pool as one end where it’s easy to work out. This workout routine is motivated by the jacuzzi waiting for you once you’re done.

Combined with Calmness

That’s what makes pool spas so awesome. A pool is just that. It’s nice, but it’s a bit flat and dull. Introducing a jacuzzi at one end gives it some life and movement. That’s why it’s such a stunning design feature. It’s also a motivator to exercise because it builds recovery into the process, which helps to make your exercise routine sustainable over a long period.

This inclusion of a spa for relaxing is perfect because it brings calmness into your house. Your home should be a place where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and free of stress. Of course, a hot tub alone can contribute to this, but a pool spa is on another level. It takes peace to a whole new level and increases the desirability of your property.

Raising the Bar

If you’re looking to sell your home, it’s important to stand out. The best way to do this is by one-upping your competition. Whatever they do, go one better. For example, if everyone around you has a pool, your property should have a pool spa. This instantly raises the property’s reputation and gains attention for your home.

When it comes to selling a home, attention is good. It gets your property ranking higher on search engines, shared more widely on social media, and possibly even talked about in the local press. So find a service that connects you to home buyers and put your property’s defining features front and center. This is bound to bring in more bids and raise the selling price of your house.

When thinking about designing a property, look for the latest trends. Then, find ways to bring your property up to a new level. Design your home around physical and mental health so that it aids your personal development. A pool spa is a perfect example of how to do this, but there are, of course, many other ways to achieve the same effect.