How not to fall in love with a yellow house? She is full of life and knows how to be receptive like no other.
Yellow houses: far beyond colour

When thinking about painting a house a certain colour, we immediately pay attention to the aesthetic issue and the possible combinations with other colours and materials.
But there is another side of colours that also needs to be evaluated when choosing. We are referring to the sensations and emotions that colours are capable of transmitting. Who says that is the psychology of colours?
According to this science dedicated to the study of colours and their effects on the human psyche, all colours affect the brain in some way, either positively or negatively, depending on how it is used.
It is no wonder that advertising has been using this resource for years to sell products and conceptualize brands. In the case of yellow, the colour is always closely associated with the sun. Ask any child to draw a sun and it will automatically colour it yellow.
And the sun remembers what? Light, warmth, affection, receptivity, joy, summer and good humour. Therefore, a yellow house facade can reproduce these same sensations. However, yellow also has its more “problematic” side, so to speak.
The colour is associated with fear (remember the expression “yellow of fear”?) and turns on a warning signal to the brain (traffic lights, radioactivity symbol, among others).
For this reason, it is always important to balance the use of colours, either with other colours or betting on lighter or darker nuances to keep these “side effects” under control.