Steel buildings used to be reserved for the industrial sector, but many people and businesses are using steel building kits for pole barns, offices, storage spaces, and warehouses.
Steel building kits are great because they’re easy to assemble and come pre-welded. Installation is complete in hours compared to several months for a standard timber construction.
Whether you’re intending to sell your home or you just want to increase the value, here’s why a steel building will help.
Sometimes inspectors don’t know water damage has rotted the inside of the walls and/or roof. The homeowner only finds out when the roof starts leaking and they start working on repairs.
With a metal building, a home buyer knows there’s no chance of rotting walls, and the structure will be sturdy enough to withstand harsh weather. They might need to make some repairs, but any issues won’t be caused by termites, insects, or mold in the walls.
In some areas, metal buildings are more desirable for buildings like sheds, pump houses, and barns. Buyers in these areas are more likely to keep bidding on a home that already has the metal buildings they want. It’s not easy to replace a series of pre-existing outbuildings.
When a property has a metal garage, it’s even better. Not only will the garage be useful for storing a car, but a metal garage will last much longer and need fewer repairs.
For example, a metal garage won’t be subject to damage from termites or insects. Bugs don’t like metal. A metal garage also won’t grow mold inside the walls from water damage.
You can get prefab metal sheds just about anywhere online or at your local hardware store. Some don’t come with a floor, but you may not even need one.
Extra storage space is a huge plus for home buyers, but when that storage space is metal, they’ll know their stuff will be better protected.
There are four main reasons metal buildings are the ideal structure to have on your property.
Many people choose steel because it’s durable and stronger than timber. With a steel building, you can’t accidentally put your foot through the wall when you wrestle with your kids.
Steel buildings require less maintenance and fewer repairs than wooden structures, which makes them ideal.
A steel building is more energy-efficient than a standard timber building before being insulated. Since a timber building needs to be insulated to retain heat, steel buildings are automatically more energy-efficient.
You can further insulate a steel building if you want, but in most cases, you don’t have to insulate. If you’re storing goods or using the building for an office or your home, you should insulate your metal building. However, if you don’t get cold weather, you probably don’t need insulation.
Steel buildings are sustainable because they can be recycled. When recycled, steel doesn’t lose any of its strength. Steel production also uses less than half the energy it used 40 years ago, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent.
It’s easy to turn a metal building into a modular building. No matter what floorplan you have, you can always cut away a wall or a section of wall to create an addition. All you have to do is weld the seams and your new addition will be water-tight.
Next time you decide to add a building to your property, or if you need to make major repairs to an outbuilding, consider a steel building kit. You’ll add some value to your property, and your building will last longer.
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