Interior Design

Ideal Ideas To Inspire Your Winter Decor for 2022

Cozy! That’s the word that best defines winter decor. The house needs to be cozy and, of course, warm to withstand low temperatures.

And don’t be fooled into thinking you need to do major renovations or spend a small fortune. Small punctual changes in the environments already bring that feeling of extra comfort and prepare your home for the coldest days.

What can’t be missing in a winter decor: 10 essential items


When it comes to winter decor, some elements are indispensable. We’ve listed them all below so you don’t leave any out, check them out:

Blankets everywhere

Winter just arrives for the blankets to come out of the closet, occupying the most different spaces in the house.

And that’s it! Blankets are an invitation to make the house more cozy and comfortable. You can use blankets on the sofa, on the office armchair and on the porch bench.

You know those blankets to wear? They are also great because they keep you warm and free to do everyday tasks.

Change the mats

Time to save the sisal rugs to put on the scene the high and fluffy rugs. If in summer, natural fiber rugs are the best choice because they are cooler, in winter it is the opposite.

This season, look for high-pile rugs and more cozy fabrics, including crochet.

Invest in pillows

Cushions are also essential in winter decor, especially in winter room decor. They provide more comfort and that touch of coziness, after all, at this time of year we tend to be quieter, under the covers.

Here’s another tip: prefer to use pillows with warm fabric covers, such as crochet and velvet. Leave the satin covers for the summer.

Bring coziness with yellow lights

The color of the lamps also has a lot of relevance in winter decoration. The yellowish tones, considered warm, refer to fire, fireplaces and bonfires.

That’s why they help to pass the feeling of warmth to coziness. Light fixtures, lamps and ceiling spots can easily receive yellow light.

Keep the white light only in places where focus and concentration are needed, such as the work and study bench or in the kitchen.

Take care of plants

Imagine plants like that yummy hug. The house is more intimate, welcoming and comfortable with them.

Consider making an urban jungle for the winter decor in the living room or even spreading vases around the rooms, even the bathroom.

But be careful with the species. Remember that each of them needs a different light level. Do your research beforehand and make the right choice.

Scatter candles

Candles are the best! They decorate, illuminate and warm. That is, the perfect combo for winter decoration.

But some care needs to be taken. Use candles in holders or in versions that come inside pots. This way, you prevent them from falling and ending up causing a fire.

Also, be careful where the candle will be lit. Avoid places very close to flammable objects, such as curtains, for example.

Bring a fireplace

Winter is also the ideal time to store the fan and bet on a fireplace. Yes, that’s right!

You don’t need to have a masonry fireplace in your living room. Nowadays there are models of very efficient portable fireplaces that guarantee that your home is warmer and with a pleasant winter climate.

















