How to Match the Look of Your Home with the Garden

Having a wonderful home with a nice garden in front is of it is everyone’s dream. People who want to have a perfect living area always strive to combine the best ways to achieve harmony between the house and the garden.

But this is trickier than you would think.

Channing the entire house is a lot more difficult and expensive, so you will probably have to do have more with the garden. A gardening company will provide help, but it is always that you mix and match your own ideas to create a perfect balance.

However, there is a rising idea where you don’t really have to use the same style elements to create your home. Let’s analyze a few ways where you can use different styles for your home and garden.

Graphic Mix

Probably the most challenging situation is paring a traditional home with a contemporary garden. People would say that it is nearly impossible to pair these two together. However, these two completely different styles can be set so perfect balance is achieved. The secret is то play up the graphic qualities of every element. Since everything is pared down, the beholder will be able to pick out all the graphic qualities of various elements.


Two different styles of a home and a garden can be matched with color. The ideas is to use monochromatic plants, like kangaroo paws for instance. But make sure that the plants that you put in your front yard are simple and yet bold at the same time. This type of coloring will keep the outdoor space together and will also stand up to the electric architecture.


People don’t actually realize that texture can be a very valuable element when trying to put together a design. So if you want to combine, for instance, earthy elements the Mediterranean and a somewhat modern style, you need to consider the textures greatly. Sometimes it can be used to blend the unblendable. So if you have a stone façade you may think of pairing it with some gravel as they will relate to each other while giving a broader landscape.

Mass Planting

If your home and garden have a completely different architectural style there is a solution to blend the two together. It has to do with plants. You will most likely have a plethora of plants and green surfaces in front of the yard, but you will have to consider a good way to manage it all. By adding simple planes or masses of plants you can bring balance and unity to your home and garden as you have never seen before.


Whatever the style of your home and garden is, it is import to take into account the proportions. The proportions of your home and by adapting them to your landscape can create a harmonious effect. This is a very subtle way to tie the two together. So if you match the proportions windows with the walkway or planting beds in front, you will get an extraordinary effect.

Historically Related

Historically similar styles that relate together can be a good mixture for the cohesiveness of a garden and home. So if you use Roman, French, Greek or other modern styles, you will come up with a really nice result. The same thing goes with Spanish, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern ones. On the other hand, the Asian style garden will match much better with contemporary architecture. So if you recognize the styles and put similar elements of them together you will end up with a really nice mix.


Tags: exterior, garden, home, landscape design

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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