How To Cope With The Cold Wave

In the heat of the cold wave accompanied by snowfall and ice on the roads, staying at home becomes the best alternative, especially when we have not yet overcome the coronavirus health crisis. Unless essential work must be done that cannot be carried out from home, it is advisable to remain at home to avoid possible adverse effects caused by the storm.

It is also important to stay informed about the weather situation in our area through official channels and consult the DGT Traffic Information Service to have information on the state of the roads, especially if we have to move.

If we spend the cold spell at home (again, it is recommended), these are some recommendations of the Generalitat Valenciana to protect ourselves from the cold and possible setbacks:

  • Unplug unnecessary electrical appliances and keep flashlights or candles close at hand (in the case of candles, make sure they are off before going to sleep).
  • If the meteorological situation is worrying, keep a tap lightly at home to avoid breaking the pipes due to freezing.
  • Keep the little ones away from stoves and braziers and, if these are coal, gas, or electric, make sure they are away from the curtains.
  • Take care of the insulation at home, avoiding drafts.
  • Avoid being exposed to the outside unless it is totally necessary.
  • Have a reserve of medicines for the elderly and children.
  • If we must leave the house, avoid wetting the streets, sidewalks, and highways.
  • Dress in clothes and shoes suitable for low temperatures that allow you to maintain body heat for longer.

It is also important to avoid sudden temperature changes, especially if there are elderly people or children at home. We must therefore try to maintain a stable temperature in the home.

The Government also recommends freeing access to portals and homes from snow and ice and not using private vehicles. If necessary, we must do it with chains.

At times like this, collaboration is more important than ever, and our neighbors or relatives who are in vulnerable situations will appreciate any help.

Exits Abroad

In case it is necessary to go outside, the authorities recommend wearing light and warm clothes in several layers, as well as avoiding tight clothing and wearing appropriate footwear. It is important to properly protect the head, hands, neck, and face to prevent cold air from entering the lungs.

If there is a blizzard situation, we must avoid going out or traveling, as the danger of suffering a setback increases, as well as avoiding going out at night. If we must go abroad, we must follow these tips:

  • Use public transport whenever possible.
  • Avoid prolonged exposures to cold and try to do all outdoor activities between 12 and 17 in the afternoon.
  • Avoid traveling alone unless it is necessary.
  • Check-in advance the weather information and traffic conditions.
  • If we travel in our own vehicle, wear suitable chains, or use winter tires, as well as check that the gas tank is full and we carry a charged mobile phone, warm clothes, water, and energy food in case something unforeseen should occur.
  • Slow down and increase your safe distance from other vehicles.
  • Always carry the lights on.