Outdoors design

How To Choose The Right Pool For Your Children

A child who doesn’t like water is about to be born! And the kiddie pool is the best way to promote that fun and refreshing contact.

Keep following the post with us and find out what is the best pool for your home and your children. Come and see.

How to choose a children’s pool


Child age

The child’s age is the main indicator to help you choose the ideal model and size of the children’s pool.

Babies over six years old can already play in the water, but for them, the pool needs to be small. Therefore, the most recommended in this age group, up to approximately one year of age, is the 50-liter inflatable children’s pool. 

From one year onwards, the larger models, between 100 liters and 300 liters, also inflatable, can now be used. Here, it is already possible to count on some accessories to make the game more fun, such as little mats, splashes, and small slides.

Over two years, the 500 to 1000 liter pools guarantee fun together with other children, since these models have a capacity for 5 to 7 children. In-ground pools, such as fiberglass, for example, are suitable for children over 6 years old and, even so, under the supervision of adults. Some in-ground pools are adapted for small children, in which case it is important to check if the depth is adequate for the child’s size, that is, he needs to “stand”.

Installation location

There is a pool for every type of space. For those who live at home and have a large backyard, in-ground pools can be a good option, as they accompany the child’s development. 

But those who live in an apartment or a house without a yard, for example, can still count on compact and detachable versions of a children’s pool, as is the case with the frame and inflatable models. 

Functionality and need

Another tip to consider is how you plan to use the children’s pool.

Inflatable pools, for example, are great for those traveling or traveling a lot, as they can be easily transported from one place to another. This type of pool also allows installation in unusual places, such as inside the bathroom box, taking the place, for example, of a bathtub.

Budget available

It may seem a bit obvious, but it is always very important to also take into account the budget you have available for the purchase and/or installation of the pool.

Inflatables and frames are the cheapest, however, they do not accompany the child and quickly need to be replaced.  What does not happen with the in-ground pools? However, they are more expensive and require periodic maintenance, which also consumes financial resources. 

Children’s pool safety and care

You can’t be too careful when it comes to the swimming pool and children. And no less. 

The risk of drowning and other accidents, such as falls, for example, is responsible for countless cases of deaths worldwide. 

Here are some tips to ensure kids have fun and safety while in the pool.


Control access to the pool

Children should never have access to the pool alone, even small pools. Isolate the pool area when not in use or install safety gates that block child access.

Safety equipment

Use equipment that helps the child and brings greater safety around and inside the pool, especially in larger models, such as fiber.  Install ladders to facilitate entry and exit, place non-slip strips on the floor around the pool, and always advise children to use buoys, such as arm floats, or noodles for support.

It is also possible to install security alarms programmed to go off whenever someone approaches the pool when it is not being used, something very important for those who have an in-ground pool. 

Non-slip floor

The floor around the pool must be non-slip to prevent falls and slips. Porous stones are great options.

Clean water

Keeping pool water clean is another important safety and hygiene measure.  In-ground pools, regular maintenance ensures that the water is always suitable for bathing. 

In the frame and inflatable pools, the tip is to apply 60 ml of bleach for every 1000 liters of water after use. This way, the water also keeps longer and you don’t have to waste it overnight.

Surveillance always

One oversight is enough to make one happen. Therefore, children must always be accompanied by an adult whenever they are in the pool.

Here are 9 kiddie pool ideas to enjoy with the kids:

















