Interior Design

How To Choose The Perfect Coffee Table

You will have the definitive guide to know how to choose that model that will fit in your living room and will add value to all the decoration. We solve doubts: what size, shape, material…

The first thing to do: measure


It seems obvious, but it is a step that many people forget before choosing a coffee table. You must measure. The fact that? On the one hand, the space that remains in the living area to locate the table, that square or rectangle that remains between the TV cabinet and the seats. And on the other, the long and high of the sofa. These measurements will help you choose the right model. Now you’ll see!

The size of the coffee table: width x length


This is the first factor in which you will “use” the measure of space that you have taken before starting the table selection process. To find out what size table is the right one, take that square or rectangle that you have measured in your living room and subtract 40-50 cm for each side where there is furniture (sofa, armchair, or TV cabinet). The resulting space will tell you how big the coffee table should be. Those 40-50 cm are what ensure a comfortable step and place the legs when sitting on the sofa.

About the length of the coffee table…


Never choose a table model that is smaller than half the total length of the sofa. It will seem too small. You can only make the exception when it comes to a composition of several side tables used as a coffee table. And for this, the sum of them should not be below half the length of the sofa. And not that the table is longer and “stands out” concerning the sofa.

And how high should the coffee table be?


When choosing the right model, you also have to think about the height of the table. The table should never be higher than the seat of the sofa. Otherwise, the effect will be one of decompensation and the room will feel smaller and unbalanced. You can play with the heights of several tables -which provides movement- but the highest, that does not exceed the seat.

The material


There is a lot of freedom here, believe it or not. There are more traditional materials such as wood and other more current ones such as metal or glass. But the final effect also depends on the design of the table itself. What you should keep in mind when choosing a table is that this material is resistant depending on the use that you are going to give it. Either easy to clean, or to hide dust or fingerprints, etc.

The use or functionality of the coffee table


Just as we indicated, this detail will also make you choose one coffee table or another. Because if you are used to doing sports in the living room, you will need a light coffee table that you can move easily. Or if you dine in front of the television, yours can be a model with a lifting envelope. There are coffee tables that become dining tables; others incorporate drawers or shelves to store… What use do you make of the table?