Gardens & Terrace

How to Beautify Your Outdoor Space: Our Favorite Garden (Design) Ideas

Owning a house requires lots of work. Maintaining it can be costly, especially when the property has an outdoor space that also requires maintenance. And naturally, everyone wants their patio or lawn to look it’s absolute best without spending a ton of cash. So, in this article, we have selected different garden ideas to help you prepare and design your outdoor space. From getting your lawn into shape to decorating, landscaping, and keeping boundaries, these garden ideas can transform your backyard in no time.

Get Your Lawn Into Shape

If your lawn is looking a bit inconsistent or sad, there are two things you can do – invest in artificial grass or get your hands dirty.

Artificial grass is made from synthetic green grass blades that come in different pile heights. It is usually used in arenas for sports; however, nowadays, it is becoming increasingly popular in residential homes since it requires low maintenance. Artificial grass cost is usually charged per square foot, installed. The upfront cost for material and installation of artificial grass can be high. Still, after that, the preservation is free for the next 15-25 years (well, except for your effort). In terms of protection, artificial grass needs the occasional brush to remove leaves, branches, and other trash from settling on the surface. Washing the surface occasionally also helps to keep the artificial grass looking good. However, bear in mind that preparing the existing surface for artificial turf is a labor-intensive job.

Nevertheless, if you decide to stick to a real grass lawn, and you want it to be lush for spring, there are a few things you must do. First, test the soil. You do not want to throw money in vain to solve the wrong problem. A soil test is essential since it will show for sure what your lawn is lacking. Second, after you test the soil and learn what nutrients your garden is needing, make the selection of a fertilizer. Adding the right fertilizer at the start of the growing season will give the grassroots what is necessary for health and growth. Also, use pre-emergent herbicides. They target weeds before they have a chance to sprout. Fourth, make sure you overseed in spring to help fill in any patches that may have taken an extra hard hit over the winter. Importantly, choose a quality seed. Once you distribute the seed to the recommended density, water the lawn twice per day until it is well established. Lastly, let your lawn grow. Leave about three inches of green on to keep the moisture in the soil and help shade out weed development.

Plant Lots of Plants, but Plan Where to Locate Each

If you want your outdoor space to look fabulous, you must make sure it is full of life. However, planting is not always simple. For this reason, it will be best if you plan well in advance where to plant what. Shrubs and bushes are great for framing. So, for example, use evergreen shrubs (as China rose, Golden dewdrop or Hummingbird bush) at the end of each border and for punctuation along the way. For more significant areas, add large evergreens, like mahonia. Once you have the frame, infill with beautiful, flowering plants. Buy different types of flowers and plant them in spots that get good sunlight. Water them frequently. Arrange them in repeated patterns for a coordinated and harmonious effect. For a budget-friendly flower choice, fill your garden with perennials- plants that return year after year. Also, consider matching the blooms with your choice of paving. For example, grey and white stone looks great with purple and white flowers, and silver paving looks fabulous with colors such as red, orange, and yellow.

Furthermore, consider companion planting. Grouping flowers and veggies together in the same beds saves space and helps boost your yields. In addition, it keeps plants happy by attracting more pollinators.

Create a Comfortable Seating Area

Napping in the sunshine, sipping your morning coffee in a cozy garden chair, or making a backyard party for your friends is just what everyone needs after a long hard-working week. Whether you choose to put simple benches made out of recycled pallets, or you invest in a soft garden sofa, creating a relaxing seating area in your garden is a must. If you are up for more creative and low maintenance ideas – tile garden bench or add a simple wood and iron park bench, painted in your favorite color. If space allows it, consider also having a table. Do not forget to estimate enough space to let each person be able to sit comfortably. Green up the area with oversized terracotta or plastic planters overflowing with anything from tomatoes to wildflowers. You can also turn inexpensive galvanized-steel washtubs into planters with basil or rosemary crop.

Get Creative With Garden Ornaments

Ornaments attach another dimension to a landscape and can give a year-round appeal to your garden. They can guide how you shape and use your outdoor space, affect how it feels when you are in it, and give your garden space a finished look in all four seasons.

Add Lights – Lights are an indispensable feature in creating an atmosphere in your garden. Whether it is a string of fairy lights or lanterns dotted about to create a garden path, the lights you choose will bring real character to your space. If you can afford it, consider well-placed electric lights that spotlight trees.

Place a Garden Fountain – With garden fountains, you can create an oasis in your backyard. Bowl and cascading fountains create a peaceful space where you can de-stress listening to the flow of the water. Outdoor water fountains are also magnificent focal points in gardens but keep in mind that to add one, you need to plan the space carefully.

Dig a Pond – A pond can be an incredible addition to any garden. It does require you to invest time and effort, but after all, it is the most crucial wildlife feature you can have. Over time, you can add some surrounding flowers, lilypads, and fish. You may even attract some beneficial insects, frogs, and turtles.

Get a Birdbath – A birdbath looks exceptional when placed next to trees. Not to mention, it is fun to see how it can attract various species of birds.