Of course you can speak to a reputable company such as Axiflow about replacing your air conditioning unit to reduce your ongoing costs. But, you’d be better speaking to them about how to automate the system.
This will allow you to come home to a cool house without leaving the air conditioning on all day!
Instead of controlling your air conditioning or even heating through your wall thermostat and an electronic timer you need to upgrade your system to connect with your smartphone.
This will then enable you to tell your air conditioner to start working even when you’re still at the office. All you need to know is how long it takes to cool down your home.
Here is what you need:
The first step is to ensure you have a programmable thermostat. If you haven’t already got when then don’t worry. They are easy to get hold off and surprisingly cheap to fit.
The thermostat will need to be capable of connecting to your wireless system at home. Once you have done this you should be able to access the air conditioning controls via your smartphone.
All you do is turn the temperature down and the air conditioner will go to work.
This will allow you to control your air conditioner while you are sat in your home without having to get up. But, to access this from outside your home you’ll need to set up a smart network.
Fortunately there are several apps on the market already which provide this function.
Simply select the one that appeals to you the most and create your personal log in. You mustn’t share this with anyone!
You can then link all the electronic devices in your home with this network.
It is important to note that they must be compatible first!
Then, as long as you have access to this network via wired, WI-FI or even a data connection; you can log into your account and adjust the air conditioning to suit.
The choice will be whether you keep it on low for most of the day and then boost before you come home or whether it stays off until you are ready to come home.
This is a personal decision that you’ll need to make!
It is important to consider whether you have any set routines. For instance, if you always sit down to watch the television at 8pm then you may wish to preset the controls. This will allow your room to be a certain temperature just before you enter it.
Automated technology can bring a huge amount of comfort to your life and it is easy to connect all your electronic devices. However, you need to be certain that you have chosen a strong password so that you are the only one controlling these devices.
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