
“GREEN SOLUTIONS” In Alef Estate: Which Role Plays The Landscaping In The Facilities Of The Developer

It is landscaping which assumes great importance at the stage of the urban environment development. It is possible to create conditions being beneficial to human wellbeing with the use of the “green solutions”. This is extremely important in the period of the intensive growth of the cities and hypertension of urban life which we can observe in Dnipro city currently.

The landscaped areas fulfill the recreational function and recover the strength of city people. Moreover, the plants facilitate the microclimate improvement; they protect from dust, gases, and noise. In addition, this is beautiful resource of decoration and lending variety to the urban landscape.

The company Alef Estate and its investor Vadym Iermolaiev allocate the vast resources for proper solution of the problems of improvement and landscaping of their facilities.

This is anything but the low-priority problem for the developer. Alef Estate was the first in Dnipro city and one of the first in Ukraine which implemented the project for the roof landscaping on its facility, the multi-purpose complex “Cascade Plaza”. The complex was opened in 2006, and the real gardens with the trees, lawn, and the fountains located on two balconies between the residential tower blocks of the facility.

Currently we propose to consider two new projects of Alef Estate which the developer has yet to implement. The “green solutions” play a pivotal role in these projects.

Multi-purpose complex Ermolaev Center

The construction of new multi-purpose complex Ermolaev Center will start in the center of Dnipro city in December 2020. The landscaping will become the heart of the project in this complex, as the project authors from bureau FILIMONOV & KASHIRINA architects said.

The garden joining visually two buildings will be located in the yard of the complex. The plants will grow all over the yard rather than to be located in the planters.

The garden project was developed in order to enable the trees to achieve their maximum height. The colors of the dendrological structure will be in harmony with the buildings; the leaves will show off the building faces during the fall season.

The garden will be illuminated in a particular way in the evening; dancing shadows of the trees will create the extra soft picture on the facility, and this will make staying in the garden even more enjoyable. The purpose of the garden being available for visiting by everyone interested is to awaken desire of the visitors to stay here a while longer. As a matter of fact, the high-quality green spaces under the conditions of dense development of the city centre always attract the city residents and guests like a magnet.

The fourth storey of the office building of Ermolaev Center will have the large balcony for recreation of the office workers. One-and-a-half-meter pockets are designed in the roof structure in order to enable the trees on this balcony to achieve their maximum height.

The simultaneous combination of three functions, landscaping, recreation, and safety will become another interesting “green solution” of the facility. How? One side of the complex will be located highly above Shevchenko lane due to the fact hat the facility has the level variations. The wide planters with the flowers will be used as the safety fence; one of the sides of the structure will be equipped with the benches where people may seat and take rest.

The single-skilled specialists will select the trees, shrubs, and flowers for this project. Moreover, it is planned to perform the works in paving and landscaping of Shevchenko street in consonance with the multi-purpose complex Ermolaev Center as part of the project. This is to make the way of the visitors to the facility comfortable.

Apartment complex Port City

Port City is a new apartment complex being under construction on Dnipro quay. The architectural concept of the complex forms the silhouette of the five-star cruise liner by the riverbank.

The landscaping plays an essential role in this project due to the fact that the complex to-be is located in the recreational coastal area, just at a distance of 20 meters from water line.

The complex Port City is designed in such a way that the residents of the apartments would feel themselves like outside the city being at the very heart of Dnipro city. The number of the landscaped areas will increase about thrice after project implementation! The following solutions facilitate such transformation:street ecoparking. The parking spaces of the complex will be seeded with lawngrass and fixed with grass paver. The damage of the root system of the plants will be prevented and the aesthetic green appearance of the land plot will be maintained in such a way. This guest parking area for 50 parking spaces will be fenced off the lower storeys with the green shrubs.

1. The numerous balconies with a view over Dnipro river, Monastyrskyi island, and Shevchenko park will become the centerpiece of the Port City. Each of them allows for the mounting of the green planters.

2. The spacious underground parking for 121 cars will be provided for in the Port City. The parking project provides for the solid and strong land cover 120 cm thick above the parking enabling to plant the trees.

3. Moreover, the planters with the trees, benches, and lawn areas will be mounted on the part of the drive way. All canopies of the complex will be decorated with the climbing plants.

“As a result, the complex Port City will become the real green oasis in the heart ofthe city”, Olha Podushkina, the chief architect of the project said.

Reference: Alef Estate is a development company dealing with the development of business projects for the construction, sale and operation of commercial and residential real estate property. It is the member of “Alef” corporation. “Alef” corporation incorporates cross-sectional businesses operating in the sector of development, manufacturing of construction materials and the agrarian field.

Vadym Iermolaiev is a chairman of “Alef&” corporation council. Stanislav Vilenskyi is a deputy chairman of the corporation council.