
Forest Lodge by PAD Studio in Hampshire, England

Project: Forest Lodge
Architects: PAD Studio
Location: New Forest District, Hampshire, England
Area: 1,313 sf
Photographs by: Nigel Ridgen

Forest Lodge by PAD Studio

The Forest Lodge is seemingly a very simple home, but its backstory is quite intriguing. It is placed on a beautiful lot in the New Forest District in Hampshire, England. But that is not where it was built. This compact modern home was constructed in Yorkshire as a factory-built residence and then it was transported to its current location.

PAD Studio, the same studio we recently featured with their Lane End House project in East Sussex, has designed the Forest Lodge to be easily picked up by a crane and transported by a truck to any destination. It is quite sustainable as it uses solar energy to power its already low energy consumption needs.

Located within a clearing of New Forest Woodland PAD were commissioned to design a bespoke contemporary mobile dwelling. The mobile dwelling conforms to the 1968 Caravan Act and will be capable of being lifted once erected.

The air tight, highly insulated dwelling is constructed to PassivHaus standards and CSH Level 4. Solar PV will be utilised and rainwater harvesting implemented.

Internally the dwelling is of the highest standard and fitted out with bespoke joinery to maximise spaciousness. Open plan rooms with minimal corridors and lots of natural light will help the dwellings to appear much bigger than the restricted dimensions of 6.8m wide x 20m long.

Construction of the units were completed in Yorkshire. The fitted out unit was then transported on lorries and craned into position.

PAD Studio