Figuring Out A Color Theme For Your Home When You’re Ready To Paint

Are you finally ready to paint the interior of your home? Whether you simply want a small change or you are ready to really mix it up and go all out with bold colors that you have never used before, you will want to cautiously make your color choices.

Picking The Right Theme

You could make each individual room a completely different color, but depending on the structure of your home and the layout, this may not be the easiest thing to do without it looking very jumbled. Another thing to remember is that if you have a basic concept for decorations that you like to use all throughout your house, you are going to want to consider that. Should you decide to later move some decorations from the hallway to the living room – will they work? Will the things you own be able to be moved from one room to another interchangeably without it looking “thrown together”.

You will want to take all of these things into consideration when deciding on the theme for your new decor. While you do not have to go with the same exact color for every room, each individual color should be able to compliment each other. If you need a little assistance figuring out what would work well with one another, you could always talk to a professional painting service, like Dayton House Painters.

Examples Of Colors That Work Together

If you want to figure this out before you ever contact the professional painters, then you need to start by understanding and choosing a color group. For example, there are many different options to pick from when you look at the different tones of colors that are available. Earth tone colors include your tans, browns, greens, and many neutral colors. All of the variations of these colors are ones that you would potentially stumble across while taking a walk out in nature.

Should you find that bright vibrant colors work best with your home decoration and personal style, then you may want to stick with primary colors. These include your basic red, blues, greens, and yellows – much like you would find in a standard eight pack of crayons.

Home interior 3D rendering

Quality Of Paint Is Important Too

Once you have decided the color theme you want to go with, you will need to consider the quality of paint as well. Not all brands of paint are equal so you may want to talk to a professional for insight as to which is the easiest to work with and which brand will hold up the longest. You may also want to consider a paint that will allow you to easily wipe off small messes. This way, your new paint job will last for as long as possible before you have to worry about painting everything all over again.

The professional painter will not only know which brand of paint is the best to work with, he or she will know how to properly prep your walls so your new color theme becomes as impressive as you would hope for it to be.

Start Planning Soon

The sooner you get started with the planning process, the sooner you will see your home transformed before your very eyes. It is going to take some time and a lot of work. Therefore, if you would like to see all of the rooms change color before you have company over for a holiday or other celebration, you will need to call a painter right away.


Tags: color theme, decor ideas, interior, new decor, paint, tone colors

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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