The curtain is the element that has a very important function in the decoration and protection against ambient light. In addition to bringing aesthetics, it offers warmth to residents, composing with the environments and bringing exclusivity to the spaces.
When designing your curtain there is a lot of information that requires some care, analyzing the finish, fabrics, models, and measurements. This whole set must match the decoration of the space, so it is one of the last items of decoration.
See also how to choose the best curtain for your place.

To help you out here are some important tips for you not to get lost when choosing:
– The plaster lining on the ceiling guarantees a finish to hide the curtain rail, called by many as a curtain. It can be applied in any environment and is designed at the time of construction.
– Studying the incidence of lighting is essential to know if you will need more than one layer of fabric in the environment. Blackout is ideal in this situation, and in rooms, it has a great function.
– The fabric of the curtain must be light so choose voile, lace, silk, straw, linen, twill, crepe or velvet. Everything will depend on the elements present in the environment.
– Rods are the most used support in the environment. It has different sizes and materials: chrome, wood and painted with paints.
-The finishes most used to attach the curtain to the rail are through fabric, rings, eyelets, one-piece fabric, pleats or bows. There is no rule of thumb which to use in each environment it will depend on the preference of the resident.
The traditional curtain is the most common and ranges from the most straight and bulky, light and full-bodied, basic and refined. To better understand the curtain models we separated 10 images of environments with this incredible piece that makes all the difference in space.