
Cost-Effective Ways To Warm Up Your House This Winter Season

It is that time of the year when electricity bills skyrocket. One of the major reasons for it is the use of central heating systems to heat our homes.

Over 70% of the energy we consume in our homes goes into keeping our houses warm. With the current economic crisis, many households are unable to meet such costs and end up living in cold homes.

What most people do not realize is, there are various cost-effective ways to warm up your living space. Let’s delve into specifics.

Move your couch

Most people will position their couch near the radiator, hoping to get warmed up. On the contrary, doing it is counterproductive. Couches that are near the radiator tend to absorb heat that could be used to heat the room.

By moving it away from the radiator, you allow hot air to circulate freely. So, this winter season, move your couch away from the radiator, brew some hot coffee in your espresso machine and enjoy the warmth of your house.

Thick curtains

Another easy way to warm up your room this cold season is to make use of thick curtains. Thick curtains with thermal lining tend to retain heat in the house as they prevent heat loss through the windows.

What’s more, you need not buy new curtains. If your curtains are light, you could add a cheap fleece lining. If you are looking to further retain heat and keep the cold at bay, install a curtain in front of the doors as well.

As much as we are trying to lock out the cold, let the sunshine in. The natural heat and light from the sun will warm up the room. Then you can draw the curtains as soon as it starts getting dark to retain the heat as well as reduce condensation.


Making use of reflective aluminum foil behind a radiator prevents unnecessary heat loss. This method is most effective on radiators that are attached to walls. What it does is, reflect heat into the room, rather than losing it through the walls.

There are foils specifically made for such purposes. If you are looking to save some extra coins, a high-quality kitchen foil will do.

Insulate your home

What most people do not realize is, the roof is responsible for 25% of heat loss from a house. Insulating your home is one of the easiest ways of preventing such losses.

Homeowners can either choose loft insulation or cavity wall insulation. Loft insulation is cheaper than cavity wall insulation. However, the latter is more effective at retaining heat. It also saves you approximately $200 annually on electricity bills.

So, the next time you are shopping for an energy provider, it’s worth seeing whether they have any insulation plans in place.

Use timers on the central heating system

The importance of installing heating controls cannot be overemphasized. They help in programming the heating schedule in the house. It is advisable to program your boiler in such a way that it turns on approximately 30 minutes before you wake up but use a lower temperature. The reason being, boilers warm at a constant speed whether in high or low-temperature settings. So, it is only wise to heat at a lower temperature to save on energy costs.

For older versions of boilers, it may be time to replace them. Old boilers that are more than a decade old should be disposed of for more efficient boilers. Newer boiler versions use less energy to produce the same amount of heat.

As much as we want to keep our houses warm, do not be tempted to leave your heating system for the whole day. It is not only a wastage of heat but also money.

Make use carpets

As roofs account for 25% of heat loss, floors account for 10%, especially if they are not insulated. It is the sole reason why carpets were invented.

Wooden flooring options are great but are responsible for much heat loss. Carpets, rugs, and blankets help minimize heat loss in such cases and double up as a way to keep feet warm.

Also, make sure you fill up gaps and cracks on the floor and walls.