Wine, this French institution! The one that is often the pride of guests at dinners with friends, however, poses some concerns for us: how to preserve it and age it when you are not lucky enough to have an underground cellar? Thanks to electric wine cellars, it is now possible to pamper your wine, even in small spaces. Provided you choose it well.
More than a bottle rack, it keeps the precious nectar at the right temperature, reproducing the same conditions as a natural wine cellar. Modern wine cellars can store between 16 and 200 bottles, and comply with our space and layout constraints. Some models are thus fully integrated, some are free-standing, with sizes varying according to desires and needs. There are small models, glazed or not, built-in cellar drawers, veritable vinotheques … Spoiled for choice!
Before buying a wine cellar, it is essential to understand the difference between these two types of products. The service cellar usually has a small capacity and only keeps the wine for a few weeks. On the other hand, the aging cellar can keep your great wines to ripen for years! In general, service cellars are used to keep wine at the right temperature before serving it. These models are particularly suitable for restaurants, which place the bottles they will serve to their guests there.
For individuals who wish to age their wine, aging cellars seem more appropriate. Many models offer several floors, for which you can choose a different temperature: be aware that all wine is kept at a temperature between 10 and 15 degrees. A single well-regulated temperature may therefore be sufficient. The service cellar can also be very useful for storing wine before dinner so that it is at the right temperature.
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