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Charming & Well-Decorated Old Apartment With Vintage Furniture

Vintage accessories, recycled furniture, old painted coatings, open shelves with beautiful colors…

Living in an old apartment and not having the necessary budget to have everything to our liking, can be frustrating and sad, but ingenuity, vision and having a positive attitude, can help us a lot to turn everything around and make our home beautiful. And pleasant.

The first thing to do is a deep general cleaning that includes eliminating small damages, such as chipping or loose cables, chipped door wood, etc. They are small things that do not cost as much to fix and can greatly improve the appearance of a room.


The next step is to paint. All! from top to bottom, from ceilings to walls, doors, windows or even floors if necessary. Once this step is done, everything will suddenly change, the spaces will automatically light up and expand.

As the finishes can have that old look, introducing recycled furniture and flea markets among our decoration is usually a very good option, although a mix of old modern is also a good decision.

Everything we have told in the previous paragraphs you have described graphically in the photos of the kitchen of this 74 m² Nordic apartment. Look at the furniture, old repainted, they are not so bad, right? What about the window and the floor? everything is old and it shows, but it is clean, well-kept and has been ‘rejuvenated’ a bit with paint and, in the case of furniture, doors have been removed to have shelves so that it looks more current.

The furniture in the dining area looks like something out of a flea market and goes perfectly with it, as does the whole colorful display on the pot and porcelain shelves. The end result is very nice and flirty. Yes, it is an old kitchen, but some new ones would like to have this charm, right? 











