
C&C House by Arias Recalde Taller de Arquitectura in Dudar, Spain

Project: C&C House
Architects: Arias Recalde Taller de Arquitectura
Location: Dudar, Spain
Area: 2,766 sf
Photographs by: Fernando Alda

C&C House by Arias Recalde Taller de Arquitectura

The C&C House in Dudar, Spain is a contemporary residence for a young couple who have longed for living in their own home as opposed to the rented properties they used to live in. Designed by Arias Recalde Taller de Arquitectura, their new home is rather minimalist in style, with exposed concrete on the exterior and a bright interior.

C&C are a young couple, living in rented accommodation and dreaming of owning their own home .

The current economic situation and lack of credit support made their dream become impossible because they can not afford to buy a home or a plot of land at the current market prices.

Times of crisis = opportunity time. The parents of C have for years a second home which they used in weekends and partially in the summer, built in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Granada, fits the needs that C & C require for their home, offering them their second house as a starting point.

C & C want a spacious house, lots of light, energy-efficiency and making the most of the fabulous views that the plot has.

We propose a restructuring and expansion of the existing housing, renovating its facilities and its enclosure and skin, completing a program that allows housing accommodate C & C and the stays of C´s parents.

C outsources the chapters that require specialized intervention (demolition, structure and facilities and collects a handful of friends to help them collaborate on weekends in exchange for barbeques and good times .

C does not surrender and keeps asking for prices to get the best offers, renting machinery and auxiliary equipment and gathering a group of friends to renew the house´s skin.

The aim was to build a well insulated house to consume less energy, using high quality energy materials on it and improving the isolation to reduce thermal looses.

– The glass windows are double glazed with argon chamber including more insulation capacity air chamber .

– The carpenters are high quality aluminum with thermal break .

– Isolation of the facades is rock wool 80 mm thick and waterproof membrane . Besides isolation exists an air chamber 2 cm under the outer layer of wood -cement panel, which enhances the isolation of the facade.

Thanks to the continuity of the insulating enclosure avoids any kind of thermal bridges between the junctions of brackets and beams to the outer shell. By increasing insulation and avoid thermal bridges is achieved architecturally very well insulated with low thermal transmittance of 0.31 W/m2 K.

Arias Recalde Taller de Arquitectura