Advantages Of Having Planned Service Area

A planned, beautiful, and practical service area and everything you want, isn’t it?

And it couldn’t be different, after all, this is the environment in the house responsible for keeping everything in order. So, stay here with us and check out all the tips so that your planned service area finally gets off the ground. 

So we are here to inspire you with the following tips and ideas:

Advantages of the planned service area

Practicality and organization

The planned service area is a master in organization and practicality. In it, everything fits and finds its place. With a good design, you can divide each space in the service area and ensure that the clothes do not get mixed up with cleaning products, nor with brooms and squeegees.


Designed furniture is more resistant and durable, no doubt about it. But when it comes to the service area, it is necessary to pay even greater attention to this aspect, since this environment in the house is usually exposed to humidity and chemical substances.

In this case, you can talk to the carpenter to use a more resistant material, such as marine MDF, a type of MDF that receives a special treatment against moisture.

Full use

The planned service area can be fully utilized. This is fantastic, especially in today’s small houses and apartments.

Each corner of the environment can receive an intelligent and differentiated solution, so that all the residents’ needs are met, without losing functionality, comfort, and aesthetics.

Just the way you’ve always wanted

Finally, but still extremely important: the planned service area must have your face. In other words, you print your tastes and decorative preferences on the project.

The joinery project can receive the colors, shapes, and sizes you prefer (within the possibilities). Not to mention details such as handles and recessed lighting, for example.

See below the images of the planned service area and get inspired by the ideas:











Tags: decorations, dervice area, home decor, interior design, planned service area, product design, service area decor

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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