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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having Stone Wall

Decorative, support, or demarcation: whatever type of wall you need to make in your house, you can choose a single material: stone. The stone wall is a great solution for those who want to combine structure, security, and a beautiful, modern finish.

Keep following the post to learn more about the stone wall.

Advantages of Stone Wall



The stone wall is one of the safest options for house facades and containment. This is because the material is extremely resistant, durable, and does not wear out over the years. These characteristics make this type of wall one of the safest and most reliable options for those who want to protect the house, whether from external invaders or slopes.

Property valuation

In addition to insurance, the stone wall has the excellent advantage of adding value to any property. In other words, in a commercial transaction, the property may be worth more just because of the stone wall. Stones are elements that carry a unique beauty, not to mention that this is a noble material, bringing even more added value to the property.

Internal or external

Stones are very versatile and can be applied both on external walls and on internal walls, in this case, especially as coverings. In internal areas, the stone wall can make the environments more cozy and intimate.

For different styles and projects

No matter the architectural style of your home, the stone wall will always match. Rough stones, for example, are ideal for houses with a rustic proposal or for modern styles that value unfinished materials, such as industrial, for example. Polished stones, on the other hand, with a finer and more sophisticated finish, are beautiful in classic projects, for example.

Not to mention the colors of the stones that are also super versatile, able to fit in different styles. The shape of the wall stones also varies. Nowadays, it is possible to have stones in raw form (mostly used in retaining and retaining walls), in fillets, or mosaics. That is, an option is what you will not lack when planning how to build your stone wall.

Easy and cheap maintenance

Unlike other coatings, stone, whatever the type, is easy and inexpensive to maintain. In general, awash with water and neutral detergent every six months or a year is enough to preserve the beauty of the wall. In indoor areas, however, this cleaning is even simpler and can be done with a vacuum cleaner.

Disadvantages of Stone Wall

But it’s not all flowers when it comes to a stone wall. Some details can negatively impact your decision, check out:


One of the biggest obstacles to building or lining a wall with stones is the cost. Unfortunately, this is still an expensive service. Just to give you an idea, the price for a stone wall, measuring around 12 square meters, can vary between $ 2300 and $ 7500, depending on the type of stone used.


Added to the high cost, there is also the problem of labor. It’s not just any mason who makes a stone wall. To make a wall of this type, it is important to have a certain degree of knowledge and experience, ensuring the quality and safety of the project, in addition, of course, to a good finish.

Careful and patient application

One of the reasons behind the low available labor may be the need for careful and patient application of the stones. The stone wall can be roughly compared to a jigsaw puzzle, where the stones need to fit together.

And not all professionals are willing to face this challenge.

Stonewall care

At the time of installation, it is important to clean and remove any traces of dirt that may be on the stones. This ensures better grip and grip. But if your concern refers to cleaning and maintenance care, rest assured. Stones are easy to clean, especially those that have no porous surface.

In general, just use water and neutral detergent to remove dust. If the stones are in constant contact with moisture, it is important to apply a little chlorine in the cleaning to remove mold, mildew, and slime stains. Use a soft bristle brush to ensure deeper cleaning of the stone surface. Avoid corrosive materials such as steel sponges, especially if the stones are of the polished type.

See some ideas for using slate in wall cladding.















