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9 Types of Home Architectures

Are you planning to buy or build a new house? You first need to explore the different house styles that are available to you. This article will help you decide by covering all the latest trends and designs of the housing market.

1.Cape Cod House Styles

First up is the Cape Cod style. This style dates back to the 1670s and was modeled on small timber houses that English settlers used to live in before migrating to America. The design is simple, practical, and often symmetrical.

What Are The Features of Cape Cod Houses?

As a colonial house template, the Cape Cod style includes features such as:

  • Low and broad single-story frame
  • Steeply pitched gabled roof
  • A large central chimney
  • Small or no porch
  • Powerful symmetry
  • Usually made from local materials like timber, single, or stone

2.Ranch House Styles

Ranch house styles began to emerge in the late 1920s and gained popularity between the 1940s and 1970s. These houses are known for their open spaces and big property lines, giving a laid-back, casual feel.

This architectural style was trendy in the Sun Belt area of America along its southern coast. As the ranch style grew in popularity, it changed based on owners’ needs, location, and budget. There are now many different types of ranch houses, including raised ranch, split-level ranch, and suburban ranch.

What Are The Features of Ranch Style Houses?

Here are some visual hints that will help you recognize a ranch house:

  • Single-story
  • Built with an open-plan layout
  • Low-pitched roof
  • Patio Space
  • Long porches
  • Simple exterior materials used such as timber, stone, and brick

3.Art Deco House Style

The art deco house style was established in 1925 at the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in Paris. This architectural style has influenced many commercial buildings and skyscrapers.

What Are The Features of Art Deco Houses?

This housing style is easily recognizable from a distance. It’s known for its functionality and experimental architecture. Some the features include:

  • Bold geometry with well-defined horizontal and vertical lines
  • Flat roofs
  • Sleek and stylized appearance
  • Smooth stucco and rounded corners
  • Experimentation with different interior materials
  • Exterior materials like concrete blocks, mosaic tiles, and glazed brick

4.Mediterranean Revival

Mediterranean Revival houses quickly gained popularity in the U.S due to their exotic aesthetic style. As a result, they became widespread in numerous resorts in southern California and Florida that desired to capture the coastal atmosphere of Mediterranean destinations.

What Are The Features of Mediterranean Revival Houses?

Here are a couple of the most defining aspects of the Mediterranean Revival style:

  • Red clay roof tiles
  • Ornate Archways
  • Arches
  • Grillwork
  • Central courtyard
  • Exterior materials like stucco or adobe

5.Colonial Home Styles

Architectural styles that originated in other countries around the world and influenced American homes are called colonial styles.

For example, the British colonial style influenced homes with symmetry, large central chimneys, and multiple-paned window panels. On the other hand, French colonial styles inspired houses with gabled or hipped dormer roofs and double chimneys.

What Are The Features of Colonial Style Houses?

Colonial style houses may differ depending on the colonial architecture, but there are a few identifying features to look out for:

  • Use of symmetry
  • Two storeys
  • Large single or double chimneys
  • Shutters
  • Fireplaces
  • Exterior building materials include brick or wood

6.Country French-Style Homes

The French country style dates back to the 18th century when France controlled much of eastern North America. Country French homes are often single-floored and feature many narrow windows and steeply pitched roofs. Stunning driveways and surrounding landscape designs define their appeal.

What Are The Features of French-Style Country Homes?

The features of this architectural style are inspired by French countryside abodes and usually include:

  • Balanced and symmetrical proportions
  • Steeply pitched roofs (either side-gabled or hipped)
  • Stucco exteriors
  • Unique landscape designs
  • Half-timbered frames
  • Distressed wood

7.Cottage-Style Homes

Cottage-style houses are often regarded as the coziest architectural type. This style was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and is often known for its warm and intimate appearance. As another colonial style, they originate from small English countryside cottages.

What Are The Features of Cottage-Style Homes?

Cottage-style homes may be small, but they pack a charming punch. Its features include:

  • Steeply pitched roof and cross gables
  • Arched doors
  • Small porch
  • Bay or arched windows
  • Shingled
  • Exterior building materials like brick and stucco

8.Victorian Houses

If you’re looking for romantic and characteristic homes with an abundance of details, you can’t go wrong with Victorian-era houses. These types of homes originated during the reign of Queen Victoria.

Contemporary Victorian-era house designs retain traditional characteristics but use modern architecture and colors.

What Are The Features of Victorian Houses?

Some common characteristics of Victorian-era homes include:

  • High pitched roofs
  • Predominant facade
  • An asymmetrical design
  • Decorative timber bargeboards
  • Porches
  • Exterior materials include wood or stone

9.Craftsman Houses

Last but not least, craftsman houses are the most popular architectural style with millennials. This style stands in stark contrast to Victorian homes. It emerged at the start of the 20th century and was inspired by the beauty of natural materials.

What Are The Features of Craftsman-Style Houses?

The craftsman style is known for compact and efficient features such as:

  • Shallow and low-pitched roofs
  • Wide front porches
  • Wide eaves overhangs
  • Decorative beams
  • Exposed roof rafters
  • Natural materials such as stone, brick, and timber


What are the four styles of architecture?

The four main architectural styles in America are Colonial, Craftsman, Ranch, and Cape Cod. Each one offers unique features that originated in different countries across the world and uses both classical and modern architecture. Today, millennials favor Craftsman houses, while older adults tend to prefer Ranch-style homes.

What are the different types of architecture?

There are many different types of architectural styles, such as Cape Cod, Ranch, and Craftsman. The influence of colonial architecture from France, Spain, and England has also greatly affected what houses Americans want to buy today. For example, the popular styles of Mediterranean revival, Cottage, and Victorian all have their roots in colonial architecture.