Categories: Collections

8 Impressive Round Beds. It’s time for Relaxing Retreat!

 In the time when everything is fake it would be nice to go back home from work, after  long long day and have where to relax with your own thoughts. That relaxing place  must be interesting enough to look forward to after all. What can be better for relaxation than your bed? That is the place where you can have full enjoyment and real relaxation after a tiresome day. To be more unique and more different than everyday reality, we suggest a circular bed. You are gonna love this kind of bed. It will be great experience spending time on this kind of bed .


In order to help you, we have choose 8 circular bed. They are awesome and cozy. You are gonna love it, especially if you are looking beds with circular form…

Via: poltronafrau
is name of this bed. This name is because its designer see it as it is for sure, and it really represents a going lo lull in its coziness. It is made of  fine quality leather.


Via: somersfurniture


Via: sabaitalia

Made up of a sofas that are combined together, this bad represents a modules that can also be placed separately like four sofa seats. Isn’t it amazing?


Via: avetexfurniture

If you like this bed, you must know that it will cost you $3,299.It is made up of  a round shape features and two drawers to serve as storage.  This bed also has a corner made at one side that can be set in any corner of your room.


Via: presottoitalia

‘Round Bed Zero’ is name of this bed. It has a two in one feature. Also it has a mattress in square shape where as the platform is in round shape. The name Round Bed Zero is  for this reason.



Via: basicelegancefurnishings

We think that this bed can be favorite of kids because  its vibrant red color at the sides and headboard. Also the price of this bed starts at £1050, so If you like it – go and buy it.


Via: furniseur

With a  beautiful design in white with a headboard that is slightly curved adding a touch of class to it,  this bed really represents piece. The price is very low, so everyone can afford it . It costs $150.



Via: gobbosalotti

‘Florence’ is name of this bed. It’s  feature is a circular design with split headboard. On the picture is shown creme color, but it is also available in other colors.

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