Interior Design

6 Design Aspects That Will Help Establish The Ambiance Of A Room

Each room in your home serves its’ own specific purpose and each one is important to the functionality and beauty of your home. How each one is decorated and put together is important to that functionality and beauty. One of the most important parts of each room is the ambiance in which it radiates.

The ambiance of a room is the atmosphere and aura that is present in a room. There are ways in which homeowners and designers are able to create the type of ambiance that they are trying to obtain for that room.

Here are 6 design aspects that help to establish that all-important ambiance.

The Color Of A Room

The color of a room is important for the ambiance because different colors will draw out different emotional reactions by a person when they enter a room. For example, blue is a relaxing color that is often used in bedrooms. Red is a color that is vibrant and is best used in rooms that are meant for socializing, like dining rooms and living rooms. Green is best used in rooms that will be utilized to unwind like meditation rooms.

The Presence Of (Or Lack There Of) Sound

The sounds that a person will hear while spending time in a given room can really enhance (or destroy) the ambiance that the homeowner is going for. The sounds of a fish tank, for example, can really add a calming effect to a room. Where, on the other hand, you may want to refer to a guide for quiet AC units in order to get rid of that loud, mood-killing AC in a window.

Lighting Is Important

Ultimately, the ambiance of a room is going to be a compilation of the ways a person’s senses are engaged in a room. Lighting is an important part of the ambiance because, like color, it is going to be one of the first things that a person will notice. You are not going to want dim lighting in a room that is going to be used for socializing, but it will be perfect in a meditation room.


Artwork can work in a subtle way to tie together all of the different design features that are used in a room. They can tie together the design inspiration, color, and ambiance all in itself. The right artwork can do amazing things in a room to add to the ambiance that is trying to be captured within a given space. It can be calming, a conversation piece, or a reflection of personality.

The Scent Within A Room

This is one aspect of ambiance that many people overlook when they are designing a room. A person’s sense of smell is a powerful sense and it is one that can immediately evoke a feeling. Scent can be a reflection of the season. Who doesn’t love the smell of apple cinnamon or pumpkin spice in the fall? It is also a way to set a mood within the room as well.

Furniture Is The Final Aspect

The furniture of a room is going to reflect the use of that room and the functionality of it within daily life. People will be able to tell what a room is used for just by looking at the furniture that is within it. It will also draw people’s eyes around the room so that the room is all pulled together in one grand flow. The textures and fabrics of the furniture is also an important thing to consider when purchasing the right furniture for a room.

Every room in a home is going to have its’ own, individual inspiration that the homeowner or designer is going to try and portray. It is going to be different from every other room in the home, but it is also going to be an important part of a whole. Each room is a different piece to a much bigger puzzle, the home.

The beauty of a home in its’ entirety is going to be a sum of its’ parts. The individual rooms will come together to create a beautiful home of comfort, ambiance, and functionality. It may take some planning, but each room can be its’ own and also fit in with every other room. The underlying aspect that is going to tie all the rooms together is going to be the homeowner’s personality that is going to be poured into each room.