
6 Common Types of Commercial Cleaning Services

There are several ways to clean your home or your office space, but the best way to get the job done properly is always by hiring an expert who specializes in it, and they can skilfully help you out. One of the most commonly sought-out services, which in recent years has become in high-demand, is commercial cleaning. Find Office Cleaners near me.

Because of this popularity, it can be daunting to choose the right one for your type of business and needs, this is why we’ve put together this basic guide below to help you out when looking to hire a professional commercial cleaner or cleaning service for your office space or building, no matter how large or small.

Janitor hoovering floor in office

The General Type of Commercial Cleaning

Possibly the most common type is the general cleaning. Done primarily in office spaces of any size and structure. Not entirely comparable to domestic or residential cleaning, however, the practices used are close to those used in the cleaning of a house.

Office cleaners are often hired by businesses to clean their premises on a regular basis, this would be the closest to describing what this is. When you pitch up to work in the morning and your stuff has been moved around but your desk is clean – an office cleaner has been there.

They often work flexible hours and usually out of office hours so as not to disrupt the employee’s working. This would be either very early in the morning or very late at night.

Hats involved are vacuuming the entire space, putting dirty dishes in dishwashers or sinks, mopping any open floor space, cleaning the bathrooms and toilets as well. Possibly the best way to get the job done, regularly, is to hire a professional commercial cleaner to two via an online source such as Bark, where you can find the best local commercial cleaner or team of cleaners for your office.

This is the most flexible type which has tailored methods depending on the type of office environment it is. You can choose what you want and the cleaners will typically invoice you for only those services.

Window Cleaning

Window cleaners are also part of the commercial cleaning portfolio, especially when it comes to offices. The main item on the agenda for this type of cleaning is windows, however, some cleaning companies go above and beyond to clean not only windows but also doors, floors, and more.

The service would normally cover all kinds of building spaces including restaurants, grocery stores, retail storefront windows, and multi-story buildings as well. Many professional companies have the right equipment and tools to get the job done.

It is, however, something that not all companies can do, especially if it is cleaning skyscrapers or tall buildings with multiple windows. This would be a specialized service.

Industrial Cleaning

This includes construction site cleaning as well. Where rubble, dirt, and waste products need to be cleaned, the industrial cleaners are often called to the site. They have heavy industry standard and high-end machinery that can help clean up anything from hazardous waste materials to garbage left behind on construction and other sites.

Staff are usually specifically trained to master the skills needed for these types of jobs, as the material handling standards need to be considered. Places such as manufacturing companies with huge warehouses or factories with lots of work going on with waste materials are the typical venues this service tackles.

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

Schools, hospitals, and catering sectors often hire expert kitchen cleaners who specifically handle the cleaning of any space that involves cooking or handling of food items. In the past year a lot more restaurant spaces have taken on the services of commercial kitchen cleaning so they can make sure the environment is clean and free from any germs or viruses.

This is a more recommended approach than hiring in-house, and getting your staff to do the cleaning. Because the kitchen environments are so susceptible to germs and bacteria so often due to raw meats and certain types of foods, this is a highly-advisable service to opt for.

According to an article published on CBS News, a study done by a microbiologist on the germs in the kitchen stated that each year, one out of five Americans get sick of foodborne illnesses, resulting in over 125,000 people being hospitalized and almost 3000 deaths occurring each year because of this.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has strict rules and regulations in place for food businesses to abide by, and when not done correctly, this is what it comes down to – death.

When having to work in an environment with many people, as an owner of that business, you have to make sure the space is clean and disinfected. we make it simple for you, all you need to do is head on over to the Bark website, and look for a professional commercial cleaner or company to suit your needs and the size of the business. We hope one of the above is a good option for you.