
5 Tips for How to Prepare for Interior Design School

If you’re endowed with a creative inclination, a fervor for interiors and decor, and an exceptional sense of space, then embarking on a career in interior design might be the right professional path for you. Many interior design courses can instruct you on the finer points of space designing and arrangement. However, there are certain critical skills you can begin to refine and improve upon now.

1. Begin With the Correct Education

Indeed, the essence of interior design lies in your passion and heartfelt connection with the craft. However, it also necessitates attracting potential clients, comprehending their home aspirations, and devising fitting plans for their interior spaces.

Most clients lean toward an interior designer who has conscientiously completed a degree program and successfully passed the NCIDQ examination. Such designers should have sought the necessary licensure for their profession and amassed some practical experience. Even as a newcomer, fresh from university and embarking on a new career trajectory in the design industry, it is imperative to build a design portfolio.

Acquiring proper education from a reputable interior design school is crucial to construct such high-level portfolios. This education will equip you with the skills to captivate potential clients with your services. An institution like American International University can provide the necessary education to advance your interior design career. A valid interior design certification can significantly enhance your appeal to potential clients, inviting them through your doors.

2. Begin to Think Like a Designer

The process of preparing for interior design school commences much earlier than the first day of your course. It’s about harnessing all the experiences you gather by observing the spaces around you. Pay heed to the functionality, aesthetics, and overall ambience of the rooms you come across.

Consider how these spaces promote movement, exhibit a particular style, and manage sound. Reflect on whether there are elements you would modify. You’re developing a keen sense of awareness by consistently engaging in this introspective analysis every time you step into a space.

3. View a Selection of Interior Design Styles

Premier interior designers boast a profound understanding of diverse styles, regardless of their strong affinity for a couple of them. Acquainting themselves with a spectrum of styles enables them to incorporate appealing components from each, creating innovative, complementary designs. This process not only fosters the development of their unique style but also assists them in correlating these styles with their personal encounters during their tenure at interior design school.

4. Practice

In addition to obtaining a formal education in interior design and familiarizing yourself with various design tools, it’s equally important to consistently practice your skill set. With regular practice of space planning and applying design theory principles, you’ll find your intuition in design growing stronger. Over time, you can conceptualize design plans even as your client still outlines their desires for their home.

Using tools like mood boards and 3D models, you can effectively communicate your vision in alignment with their design objectives. After gaining a solid understanding of functionality in space planning, selecting suitable furniture, fine art pieces, color schemes, and décor becomes significantly simpler.

5. Learn About CAD

Acquiring Computer-Aided Design (CAD) knowledge is crucial for those preparing to enter Interior Design School. CAD is a tool that leverages specific software for the purpose of drawing, modeling, and rendering objects as well as environments. It’s a common instrument employed within the interior design sector.

While at an interior design school, you’ll find yourself utilizing CAD to experiment with and envisage concepts. While many diverse CAD applications are accessible, getting accustomed to some prevalent ones such as AutoCAD® could be beneficial. This will equip you with the skills needed to manage the more technical components of the role and provide you an advantage when your academic journey commences.


Interior design school is a great way to expand your creative horizon and improve your existing skills. With the right preparation, you can get the most out of it and give yourself the edge when competing with other aspiring designers. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but if you follow these tips on how to prepare for interior design school, you will be ready for whatever challenges come your way.