5 Essentials For Cooking – Less is More!

A kitchen is a place in the house that is key when you enter into a minimalist approach. Why? Because it is a space in which we accumulate a lot of things over the years and we find ourselves living in a bunch of objects that have no or no more meaning. Being minimalist is not just having few objects around us. It is to be aware of what we consume. And nothing better than cooking to start this awareness!


Jars for Minimalist Cooking

We can be zero waste and not be minimalist. You can be minimalist without being zero waste. Even if these two trends are cousins, they are not intertwined with each other. What is interesting is that we can take inspiration from zero waste to be minimalist. If we take the idea of ​​glass jars. They are interesting when it comes to a minimalist approach because they allow us to see what we really have. In addition, they are also decorative by their simplicity and they refer to an idea of ​​authenticity, of simplicity when we were children. What we also like with the jars is that they also allow us to realize the invisible waste that we produce. 


Reusable Straws for a Minimalist Kitchen

We generally use straws in summer. Did you know that these small plastic tubes are a real scourge?  Even if you’re sorting at home, avoid using plastic straws. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do without it. There are good alternatives. We can, for example, speak of bamboo straws, but what really is bothering about bamboo is that it generally comes from exploitation in Asia. There is also the metal version with the aluminum straws. They are easily washed and do not end up in the trash.

Elle Decor

Bye-bye appliance that is not used

For a very long time, I did not have a microwave. It was when I renovated the workshop a few years ago that I ended up having one (to recover) to heat my meals. I always had a toaster that serves 3 times a year. It may be design and fun, it was not used. Why clutter the space with objects that are not used? The microwave, depending on your use, can be replaced by the oven, kettle or even your gas stove. The toaster can be replaced by the oven or a piece of butter in a pan. Personally, I would have a hard time living without a kettle, because Flo likes tea and I like coffee spent in a press. (The famous French Press when you are abroad). However, if you want to make room, the kettle can disappear and give way to a pan.


The fabric for longer life in the kitchen

A bit like straws, we have paper. Paper towel, handkerchiefs, paper towels. We have just spent 20 years in an area of ​​disposable everything. And if you go back to basics like the tea towel or the cloth towel, you don’t have to buy in stock. 4 tea towels are sufficient daily. One napkin per person at the table. Hop! We are much less crowded at once!


Posted by Rennata

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.