Having a balcony is a great substitute for a fully fledged outdoor space. Of course, it can never replace the value an actual garden or a backyard can give to a home, but when space is limited, the contemporary balcony can be a godsend. But what sets the contemporary balcony design apart from everything else? It is quite similar to the modern style, but that is to be expect. What the contemporary balcony design excels at is giving you an elegant yet highly functional space to catch a breath of fresh air.
We’ve compiled a fresh compilation of terraces in which you’re going to be able to experience these 18 Superb Contemporary Balcony Designs That Will Blow Your Mind. Take a few moments to explore these wonderful examples of contemporary design. You might just find what you’ve been looking for, but in case you’re really looking for a fully fledged outdoor space, check out our showcase of the contemporary deck design. Enjoy!
1. Private Residence at 70 Rainey