The entrance in our homes is what is always going to be there to greet us on our way in and to give us a goodbye on our way out. There is a whole lot more to the entrance than just the front door. Yes, technically, the front door is the actual entrance to your home, but we like to think about the whole entrance thing a bit differently. The farmhouse entrance provides a comfortable space to take the load off your hands, get out of your shoes or greet your guests. It is also decorated in a way that compliments the rest of your home’s design so that it gives a hint of what to expect on the inside.
We’ve gathered a fresh compilation of outdoor designs in which we are going to show you these 18 Appealing Farmhouse Entrance Designs You Should Get Ideas From. The designs that we’ve introduced in this list can be a great source of inspiration that might help you get the entrance to your home up to a whole new level. Of course, the entrance on its own is not enough. It is important that it leads into a welcoming entry hall on the inside of your home, so make sure you pay attention to that part of your home as well. Enjoy!
1. Innisfil Waterfront Home