Floors and floor coverings by nature of their position, are areas in the buildings that need to endure the most adverse effects. This is the main reason why they must be made of high quality, healthy and long-lasting materials. In addition to basic functional characteristics, the floors should have certain aesthetic qualities and therein lies the main problem: how to keep as long as the original appearance of the area that suffer very aggressive influences, and thereby to use healthy materials and finishing.
Making technology progresses, materials for floors are changed, and the application of new solutions, running more dynamic than it is the case, for example, with the finish of the walls. Who would have said fifteen years ago that we will replace flooring in the apartments, not only with laminates, but also the so-called cold floors.
When we say concrete, most of you think about the access paths for the home, outdoor stairs, and the like. However, concrete is increasingly used as a material of interior decoration. Concrete is an excellent material to create different looks. It can be combined with various materials depending on the effect you want to achieve. Concrete the best can fit in a modern style, but if is properly processed, you can use it in almost any style. To protect concrete from staining, you should use clearcoat. Below you can see some creative proposals of concrete flooring, see them and you will find inspiration! Enjoy!