Interior Design

17 Fabulous Ideas For Decorating Functional Hallway

The appearance of the hallway creates the first impression about us, our taste and lifestyle. It’s like a crossroads where we come, we go, stop in, receive guests, etc … Like when it comes to any room in the house, and the hallway should be well and nicely equipped only if we take account of the functions of the hall, as well as our needs . For items that we use every day, such as keys, hats, gloves and the like, we need easily accessible shelves, drawers and hangers.

For the umbrellas also you should find a nice bowl or basket that will have a permanent place and will well perform its function. Space for storing shoes is one of the most critical points in almost every apartment. Each pair of shoes should have a place for disposal. The most popular are narrow cabinets in which the shoes are disposed so as are obliquely inserted in the cabinet door.

When it comes to the lighting, we need to know that the artificial lighting in the room will operate differently than in daylight. Many hallways have no daylight, so we have to carefully plan their lighting to prevent the room to be dark and gloomy. It’s never superfluous if in the corridor is placed a chair, a beautiful old chest or lower element of furniture on which we can sit. Since the hallway is a place where we spend just a short time, we can choose bolder colors, patterns and daring ideas.

Image via Darren Chung Photography
Image via Jan Cadle
Image via Jan Cadle
Image via Mark Hadden Photography