Our showcase of the eclectic home design style is slowly coming to an end. This means that by now, we’ve seen a lot of incredible interior and outdoors designs from the eclectic style but there’s still more yet to come. To make it better, we’ve saved the best for last which is why you are going to see amazing eclectic swimming pool designs in the images featured below. After that, you are going to have a chance to see designs of eclectic home exteriors as well before we close this showcase.
The eclectic swimming pool, as you are going to see in the pictures below, is an amazing and quite luxurious addition that can transform your backyard or garden into a real private paradise. But enough words, let’s see what it really is.
Welcome to a new collection of outdoor designs in which we have featured 17 Compelling Eclectic Swimming Pool Designs You’re Going To Admire. This collection is the last part of our outdoors designs from the eclectic style showcase which so far has featured designs from the eclectic porch, deck, landscape and patio. Enjoy!
Wilton Residence


Vibrant Hideaway

Night swim

Yellow Travertine Project