One of the basic prerequisites for decorating an industrial style, is a spacious space, and the attic and abandoned industrial halls are ideal with their basic look. What gives the whole charm to the industrial style are rough, often “unfinished” walls, floors and ceilings, which define basic contours and style. They can be concrete, brick, and even their imitation.
When choosing furniture, one such space can endure a lot if it is spacious. If you decide to decorate smaller space in this style, hold on to that “less is more.” The choice of furniture depend on your desires, your needs and your available space. You can opt for furniture pieces where industrial design is more expressed, or some softer variant. Usually the furniture in industrial style is in gray shades of with gloss and a lot of metal. We present you one collection of 17 Attractive Industrial Interior Design That Are More Than Inviting. See some inspirational proposals and you will remain inspired. Enjoy in our collection!