Working home has become immensely popular with the onset of the pandemic. One could argue that it is the only good thing that come out from the whole ordeal. Many companies realized that the work they did could be done from home. Many others had to adapt. If you have been affected by this and have started working from home, or if you’ve been working from home for a long time now, you have probably come to the conclusion that you need a workspace free of distraction, even at home.
That is where the home office steps in. But what if you’re not able to dedicate a space within your home for a home office? Then you need a shed. Yeah, an actual shed, detached from your home. Check out this new compilation of 16 Wonderful Eclectic Shed Designs As Your Next Home Office. We’ve featured a bunch of awesome shed designs that are really more than just a shed. They make the perfect sense for an eclectic home, giving you complete freedom over its design and purpose.
1. The Pandy House