Winter is such an amazing season that offers so much inspiration to draw from nature, but often times it is dwarfed by the Christmas festivities. Well, now that Christmas is done with, what do you say about keeping your home decorated with some wintery themes? You can actually reuse a lot of your Christmas decorations but you should make it clear that the message you’re trying to get across has to do with the winter season and not the holiday.
The first thing you need to do is replace your Christmas wreath with a beautiful winter wreath on your front door. After that, you can select some of your existing Christmas decorations that can work well as plain winter decorations and stow away the rest. Of course, first you should check out this new compilation showcasing 16 Refreshing Winter Wreath Designs To Hang After Christmas. You’ll be able to find a whole bunch of amazing designs that will inspire you with fresh ideas. Enjoy!
1. Christmas Magnolia handmade winter wreath