Winter has finally started to give way to spring and that means you should think about starting to slowly phase out your winter decorations in favor of some fresh spring-themed decorations that will liven up your home décor. The best way to start freshening up your home décor for spring is to begin with the entrance. Hang one of these wonderful DIY spring wreath ideas and you will immediately notice the change in appearance as your home starts to get some of the colors that will begin to represent spring.
Welcome to this new compilation of DIY projects in which we’ve showcased 16 Fresh DIY Spring Wreath Ideas You Will Enjoy Making. The projects that we’ve added to this list are a great way to begin dressing your home up in the colors of spring. If you’re keen on welcoming spring with a fully-decorated home, then you better start now. But don’t worry, we’ve made sure to include all of the instructions and tutorials that you’ll need to complete each of these projects. Enjoy!
1. Super Easy DIY Spring Wreath