Before you continue browsing the ideas in today’s collection of DIY projects, you should know that unlike the rest of our DIY collections, this one won’t show you how to actually save money. That is because the projects that we have featured in it all share the same source of crafting material – your change. Yes, it is possible to use pennies to craft DIY decor for your home, but you’ll have to remember that the bigger the project it is, the more coins it’ll require and the more expensive it’ll get. Nevertheless, these projects are absolutely awesome and are worth a look!
Welcome to a new collection of DIY ideas in which we are going to show you 15 Interesting DIY Decor Projects Made Out Of Pennies. Check them out below and you’ll see just how simple and easy it is to spend those slowly gathered heaps of change. Of course, there are plenty of other ways to spend it but if it doesn’t account enough for a holiday, then you might as well do something creative with the coins. Just follow the tutorials and you’ll do fine. Enjoy!
1. Penny Fruit Bowl

2. Penny Vase